Thursday 090806

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


CrossFit West Santa Cruz will now be the default affiliate WOD followed, should a workout not be posted to your respective affiliate.

Post times, rounds, or weights lifted and thoughts to comments.

Circo working the pushups.

Joe and I have been meaning to get a group of people together that could bridge the gap between athlete and coach. By bridging this gap, he and I could help better the gym in any way possible. Well, the time has come and that group has been formed.

He and I have carefully chosen a group of people, appropriately named the CFO roundtable, that will meet often to discuss what goes on in the gym. Here is an avenue for all CFO athletes, yes you, to voice your opinion. Do you want to see something changed? Do you wish there were more educational seminars on nutrition, etc.? Do you wish there was another class time offered? These are some of the things that you guys should and do have some control over.

More info will be released in upcoming posts. Reba Wattier and Danielle Baker are the roundtable chairs. Other members of the roundtable include, Brian Christiansen, Paula Miller, Greg O' Kief, Zach Ries, Lindsey Vanderwert, Jen Shannon, Kelli Lambert, and Greg Petersen.

From here, these members will start to form committees that will address the gym's needs in terms of apparel, welcoming, social and educational events, and media. If you have any interest in being apart of any of these committees, you are encouraged to express your interest to any of the above mentioned roundtable members.

If you have interest or just want to express concerns, questions, or input, please get a hold of Reba or Danielle at the following email addresses:

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21 Responses to "Thursday 090806"

  1. BC Says:
  2. FRCF, 17:38. This wod sucked bad.

  3. paul Says:
  4. speaking of the picnic, i am stoked for hoover ball! old school!

    looks like i missed a couple of really brutal wod's--almost as brutal as "eva"! i am resting and will shoot for 6am friday!
  5. GregP Says:
  6. Great Job 6am. 18:38 I think. The middle of this one was very hard because after the first round ending with 10 power snatches you had to go right to 10 squat cleans in the next round. The pullups were a nice break.

    If you have not already done so - check out the Fight Gone Bad link on the right side and get signed up. It is only 6 weeks away.
  7. Jess Says:
  8. did FRCF WOD this am which consisted on 3 rds of 10 squat cleans, 15 PUs, 10 power snatches (20 min cut off) All I can say is YUCK!!! 18:28, 53# Great job 6am peeps.
  9. Ken Says:
  10. great job 6am peeps. had to leave early to get to work (anyone want a 5am regular class besides me?). got two complete rounds in. strange how the 15 pull-ups are the rest! gotta figure out how to make up the rest of the workout tonight in my garage, any ideas?
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 13:51 I think was my time. I only used 77# when I should have gone with the RX'd 85#. Damn. Good workout. It was a little harder than I thought it would be.
    Great job everyone at 6.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. today is one of those days when I really wish there was a 10 class. We all know, I am not getting up for 6am due to a horrible case of laziness. Instead, I did yesterday FRCF WOD. AMRAP in 15 min of 150 m run, 15 situps, 15 lunges. I have lost the abmat that I stole from UNO, so I did it on a yoga mat on the driveway. finished 9 even. it was an easy one. good luck today!
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. FRCF WOD= 12:36 rxd

    this 1 was ruff!!!...aftr yesterdays post i def tried to get all reps clean and complete...

    the round table idea is awesome!...cant wait 2 c all the good things that will come from it!

    I nevr remember to sign up on the list when im in the gym so here is mine and Nicole M's confirmation for the party next Tues...we're ready to party for CFO!!!...cant believe its been a yr already, its just awesome to c this CFO thing evolve to the great thing it is now!!!...if you havnt heard it enough already, CONGRATULATIONS RICK & JOE!!!


    CFO team - we are now almost a month out from the games...I think its our turn to give the final xfit games team wod a try!...Jon, Zachr, Addi, and Reba let me kno ur thoughts and when u r available to give this 1 a try...lets tape it also...your thoughts???
  17. JonD Says:
  18. I love that idea Greg M. I will be out of town the 19th through the 25th of this month but im down to do it whenever wherever, it would be a blast.
  19. Addi Says:
  20. I definitely want to do the final team WOD. Especially now that I can contribute at least one muscle-up. I can probably do it any time with a week's notice (to make sure I'm not working if it's a weekend). I will be gone Labor Day weekend, but other than that I should be open.
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. Seeing as how only two guys and two girls can participate in the Team WOD I will gladly be the one to sit out. I of course will still be there to cheer you guys on, just let me know when you decide to give it a try.
  23. Greg MO Says:
  24. OK, so here's my initial date and time if it works for all of you (sorry its not a week in advance Addi), how about next Tuesday night during the 5:30pm class?

    It catches Jon the day before he leaves town, i'm out of town evry wkend this month so this is the only night i have open during the week otherwise i can only try it @ 6:30 am, and i figure we can have a good workout and then go party afterward @ Circo's....

    thoughts???....of cours we have to wait for Reba's answer also but i think this is the best time 4 evry body otherwise it'll prolly get put on the back burner for another month or mayb longer...
  25. Addi Says:
  26. No sweat, Greg - I really just need notice for weekends. Tuesday night works for me!

    Went in at noon today, intending to take an active rest day.. but I was already dripping sweat after the warmup so I figured I might as well go all in. 10:02 with 98#. I *almost* caught you, Kat. Damn it.

    I've been getting frustrated with my runs lately - I can't seem to make myself push past my comfortable pace on anything longer than a 200. Last night, especially, I felt like I could have pushed harder. Did a little better on that today - I still could have pushed harder, but it was an improvement!
  27. Addi Says:
  28. P.S. Love the idea of the roundtable - would love to help out on a committee.. Also, super excited to get my very own CFO Koozy. I'm thinking we need to take a case of those out to sell in Aromas next year.
  29. Greg MO Says:
  30. Crap! I forgot that there is no evening classes on Tuesday nite cause of the party so...

    how about Tuesday Morning 6am we do the xfit games final team wod?
  31. BigD Says:
  32. Man, I've been missing some fun! Sorry I haven't been around 6AMers. Been laid up for the last week and half but doc has given me the all-clear for Monday so can't wait to jump back in!
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Tuesday morning might work for me - just have to double-check with Josh, as we're sharing a car. I'll let you know!
  35. ZachR Says:
  36. 100 Pullups for Time:

    Had never done this WOD before and wasn't sure the best strategy for reps. I was happy with the way it went. Thank god for the tape rips!
  37. hannah eileen Says:
  38. I got out of work early and instead of sitting my ass on the couch craving ice cream, I decided to go back to the gym. Got wod 2 in at 5:30. Stacey, you rock my socks. way to be. I did 121# for bs, which is low for me but I was in pain. finished in 6:55 without ctb. great job 5:30!
  39. Eric C Says:
  40. Hung with the Nooners today. WOD was 5 power clean and jerk 155 (or 67-72% of max) then 500m run, 5pc&j 400m run 5pcj 300m run 5pcj 200m run 5pcj and 100m run. I did 118 (max of 156). But I did 186 on squat clean thrusters 2 weeks ago. So does that bump my max? So 118 is 75% of 156 and 63% of 186. Should have went heavier. Can't remember my time now but it was something :30. 8:30 maybe 13:30.
    "110-220 whatever it takes." COME ON NOONERS. NEED SOME MORE PEEPS TO POST .... because I can't remember my own times!

    ...and yes, my broken forearm xray is in honor of the 1 arm kettlebell snatch WOD.
  41. Danielle Says:
  42. Did the BS thing today. With 142 started with 152 but couldn't do it. I ran out of gas today. Think my body needs to used to these new WOD's. I probably should have rested today looking back on it. Laura crushed the WOD!!!
    My time 726.

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