Thursday 090709

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

75 reps for time of:
Power Snatch, 75#/53#

13 minute cut-off

Post time to comments.

Amanda, Allison, and Josh.

The schedule for the rest of the weekend is as follows:
Thursday - 6 AM (normal class), Noon (normal class), 5 PM (open gym)
Friday - 6 AM (normal class), Noon (open gym), 5 PM (open gym)
Saturday - 10 AM (open gym)

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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14 Responses to "Thursday 090709"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Good luck to everyone competing at the games! You guys are amazing athletes and have worked hard--I know it's going to show this weekend! I wish I could be there!
  3. paul Says:
  4. 21 OHS (95)
    42 KB swings (1.5)
    15 OHS
    30 KB swings
    9 OHS
    18 KB swings


    very happy with that time--that's the fastest I've ever been able to do OHS. I thought this was going to take me 20 mins! i don't think i could've done this faster back before my shoulder started bothering me!
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. Morning Monsters kicked some butt today. The cartwheel workout was so popular, about half of our class did it instead of doing today's WOD which was 'Randy' (75 power snatches 75#). It was was kind of a giddy atmosphere this morning... and that was ok. (Not that I don't need a good talking-to by the principle on occasion....) Anyway, it was a fun workout. The legs are getting sore!

    Randy 7:41

    Good luck in Cali CFO!
  7. Chad Says:
  8. 10:16. I tried to keep up with Lindsey but lost her around rep 30 and had to resort to doing 5 reps at a time.
  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. Did dandy randy today at noon, it was a good way to get my day going. I wish all the crossfitters at the games good luck.
    I finish in 642, great job everyone.
    donohoe is out...
  11. Gina Says:
  12. Randy: 9:35, I was happy with that time.
    Happy Birthday Dad! (Greg P)
  13. BC Says:
  14. A few of us this morning did yesterday's cartwheel WOD. 11:37 rx'd, those DB thrusters got real old real fast. Nice job everyone, way to crush it Ang.
  15. paul Says:
  16. wait, i'm supposed to believe that Ang crushed a workout? shocking.

    (if i were saying this aloud it would be dripping with sarcasm.)
  17. BigD Says:
  18. Morning crew kicked some butt! Just glad I didn't crash on my head doing cartwheels. 11:44
    Good luck to everyone in Cali!
  19. Mel C Says:
  20. I did the 75 snatch at 54# at 24 hour, got interrupted twice during the WOD by people asking me what the eff I was doing...I said Crossfit then had to explain. So I have no clue what my real time was but it was 28:40 after the two breaks in there telling people what crazy workout I was doing. Maybe new clients? I did however get complimented by one of them for A) Doing olympic weight lifts at commercial gym, B) Being a girl and knowing what a snatch was and getting my feet off the ground to make the weight lighter. THANK YOU CROSSFIT OMAHA.
  21. B3nj4m1n Says:
  22. Did Randy, timed myself, dropped the stopwatch, picked it up when finished, the watch stopped at 13 hundredths of a second when I dropped it FML. Then Joe and I did 21-15-9 of strict collar bone to bar pullups and ring dips. Finished in 11 something. Thanks Chris for doing the open gym sorry if we kept you a little longer.
  23. Mark Says:
  24. Came in and did "Randy" finsihed in 5:05. It was definitely hard working out alone but I tried to push myself as hard as I could.
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. well its friday and I did a little wod of my own.
    9,6,3 deadlift 315
    70pd swings
    645 i think, the grip was the toughtest part I had to keep regripping the freakn bar. Good luck to all the fitters in cali.
  27. Nichole Says:
  28. Vanessa, Amanda and I made found a great workout from an old blog. We finsihed around 12:15 ish.

    800m Run
    30 Burpees
    25 walking lunges
    15 Pull ups
    10 Ball Slams

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