Wednesday 090610

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Clean & Jerk 1RM

if time, 1 round for time of:
25 Ball Slams, 20 pound ball
15 Burpees
25 Ball Slams, 20 pound ball

Clean & Jerk can be performed with or without a squat. The jerk portion can be a push or split jerk. The goal is to find your 1 rep maximum. The heaviest load from the ground to overhead.

For the met-con, ladies will use a 20 pound ball whereas the men will perform jumping ball slams. For the burpees, you may not touch your thighs to the ground at any point during the pushup but you have to touch the chest to the floor.

Post weights used and time to comments.

You guys remember this? While we were in Denver eating at a Texas Roadhouse, a few of the guys decided it would be a good idea to tell the staff that it was my birthday and that I just turned 35. They made me get on this saddle, wear the hat, and wave the napkin around while they sung. Very embarrassing but fun. I think my heart dropped when I saw them bring the saddle to the table and then look straight at me.

If you have an embarrassing story to share and not ashamed to tell it, please let us know. Try and keep it clean. Have you ever been so embarrassed you've had to leave? Did you return the favor? What's your story?

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24 Responses to "Wednesday 090610"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 1 mile: 6:10. not a PR, even tho it was on a track. not going to beat myself up about it--i was basically breathing water. the humidity was BRUTAL.
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Most embarassing XFit moment: Every WOD with pushups until about 3 months ago. And probably a few since.
  7. Joe C Says:
  8. CLEAN AND JERKS!! im stoked
    most embarrassing moment...well recently I Pulled a condom and handed it to an female officer at work thinking it was a somethin else. And we didnt realize it was a condom until we were both awkwardly holding it lookin at each other. I put it back in then left for lunch. FML...I work with her everyday.
  9. Joe C Says:
  10. o it was in my wasnt just chillin in my ABU pocket haha
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. Embarrassing: This was about 5 years ago and my wife was pregnant at the time. She couldn't drink, so I was laying low and I hadn't had a beer in months. We went to an 'All you can eat and drink' (ie beer/liquor) party at the Champions Club. After a few hours of me trying to 'get my money's worth', they had started up the Karaoke. For some reason I thought I was the next white rapper so I attempted to entertain the audience with a little Ludachris. Midway through the second verse I realized that I could barely read the lyrics and that everyone had stopped dancing... and they were just starring at me. I set the microphone down. Stumbled off the stage and walked right out the front door. Made my wife proud that night! :)
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. please tell me the luda song was "what's your fantasy" or "you a hoe"....that's a funny story. and addi i'm with ya on the pushups wod's...except i think for me it's DU's....ugh!

  15. Chad Says:
  16. Most embarrassing….

    Junior year in high school, districts swim meet in Columbus, swimming the 100 free.

    Going into the second turn I swam into somebody’s Speedo. It was in my lane and got on my face.

    Third turn I realized they were mine.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Gdawg,

    Yes, it was Area Codes. You know, "I got ho's... in different area codes" Chics love that one! (not)
  19. VD Says:
  20. Nice one Chad!!
  21. Lindsey V Says:
  22. Clean & Jerk 1RM = 114

    Nice job 4:30!
  23. Kelli Says:
  24. Chad - your's is awesome!

    C&J today 120#. My back was seriously cramping up. The last one my midline was all noodley - not the best of form.

    Wish I could think of an embarrassing moment. Oh wait -- what about that Annie time of that is embarrassing. Dang DUs.
  25. Brandon Says:
  26. Clean & Jerk 1RM = 252lbs (20lb PR)
    Slamball/Burpee WOD = 2:20

  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 142 for the C&J. Dan M.
  29. Danielle Says:
  30. Oh I don't get embarrassed :), actually my entire life is one big laugh!!

    C&J 107 new PR for me.
    Nice job 5:30

    Didn't have time for metcon :(
  31. Jen S. Says:
  32. C&J 1RM- 131 and 2:30 something on the WOD. Great work 6:30 and GREAT job to Shelley!
  33. Cari Says:
  34. Clean and Jerk; took about 5 attempts but finally 92 and then did it twice more for good measure, PR by 15 lbs
    Did the slamball/burpee workout; not sure of the time. Great job to 5:30!
  35. Chad Says:
  36. C&J 174# on the 6th attempt. Thanks Brandon.
  37. Joe C Says:
  38. I love cleans!
    235lb C&J
    tried 245 but i cant seem to get that jerk down (bahahaha) i need to learn split jerk. I knew today would just be seeing how much i can jerk cus i know i can clean a lot. o well. great job 6:30! did i mention that i love cleans? haha see yall tomorrow :-)
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 126 # on C & J; 2:28 on metcon. Great job Jen. I also did 3 kipping pu's without a band; big improvement for me!!

  41. Cari Says:
  42. Congrats Shelley!!
  43. B3nj4m1n Says:
  44. Nice jon on the pullups Shelley! You made them look easy.
  45. Allison H :) Says:
  46. clean & jerk 97 lbs... tried for 102 but my elbows and body weren't getting under that bar very well! stayed after class for the ball slams and burpees - 3:14.

    i have many embarassing moments... definately can't think of any clean stories to tell though! ha!

    strong work nooners! it was awesome watching all your strippers moves coming up for the clean!!! woooohooo!
  47. Mark Says:
  48. C&J 220# which is PR by 12#. I tried 242 but that wasn't happening. Perhaps a smaller jump next time would be smarter.

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