Rest Day.
Marcy Wempen giving the ol' bar the classic CrossFit stare.
Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of a workout staring at the bar? The stare is rampant across CrossFit gyms everywhere. The next time you're in the middle of a met-con, see if you can catch yourself staring at the bar, dumbbells, or medicine ball. If you do catch yourself staring, try and cut down on it and see what it does for your fitness.
then 3 rds
10 med ball cleans
15 KB swings (1.5 pd)
CFFB= #147 no misses
And BTW...I only got to 230# yesterday on the DLs...I'm SOOOOO frustrated! Next time I promise I'm going up 20# to get in that 250# DL club!
Then I worked on muscle-ups for a bit.
Then I did 6 minutes of the CFFB WOD and used 75# and I felt pretty strong with the snatches.
Then I was going to do a little WOD with muscle-ups, which I can't do, so I just worked on them.... and worked on um.... and worked on um....
Great job today by everyone!
snatches 68# first two rounds, then dropped down to 63# to work on my form
This was a real fun one. I thought that i was going to burn out but since the reps were so low i only had to breathe a couple times. The only hard part of the WOD was the friggin pushups (and telling yourself to not slow down haha). Great job everyone i love workin out in a gym packed full of crossfitters!! see yall tomorrow :-)
CFFB WOD - Started with 98, then used 103 for the last two.Wouldn't have made it through all 10 rounds with 103, but it was just right for the end - just hard enough. Form felt a little sloppy - I know I was jumping early and a little soft, but the weight went up.
5 rounds - not timed
1 muscle up
4 tri-dip muscle up from ground
10 balls slams
15 wall balls
Ang - use your jedi mind tricks! That is what I do :)