Thursday 090611

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Reminder: There will be no 6:30 class this evening. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Back Squat 1RM

if time, 3 rounds for time of:
15 Box Jumps, mid-thigh height box
15 Jumping Ring Dips

For jumping ring dips, set the ring height so that the bottom of each ring is at chin level. This is the prescribed height. Scale as needed.

If you haven't already noticed, we are doing a number of consecutive strength days. The reason for this is so that we can get some baseline personal records (pr's) for everyone. We will use these numbers to gauge where our strength is as a whole, where our weaknesses are, and to better help Joe and I scale met-cons for everyone.

If you miss one of these days, please try and make it up on a rest day.

Post weights for the back squat and met-con time to comments.

Alison Filewicz going overhead. This is one tough cookie. She competed the whole weekend with an injured hip labrum.

Have you ever competed with an injury? Was the decision hard to make? Compete or no compete? What is the line between showing mettle and being stupid when deciding whether or not to compete through an injury?

You guys that are following CrossFit Football, when I decide that a workout's cost outweighs it's benefit, I will post a WOD for you to do on the Games Group Blog. Today's CFFB WOD is such. Click on this link to find out your workout for today.

Another round of applause for a couple of our athletes! For the first time, both Jess Jenkins and Courtney Johnson completed a workout with pull-ups and NO BANDS! Rx'd pull-ups! Way to go ladies. It is an awesome accomplishment.

Who's next?

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24 Responses to "Thursday 090611"

  1. Cari Says:
  2. Last time I did 1 RM back squat was late April and was at 153; got 177 today and was very close to getting 187 but not quite; next time for sure! Box jump/ring dip workout: 8:52. Great job to 6am and congrats Gina for crossing 200!!
  3. Cari Says:
  4. One more thing ... Happy Birthday VD!!!
  5. BC Says:
  6. 263# on the back squat, which I'm pretty sure is a PR. 6:30 rx'd on the box jumps/jumping pull ups. Nice job morning crew.
  7. BC Says:
  8. Almost forgot, Jeff and Ricky this is for you...

    Tenemos que proteger esta casa!

    dig it
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!!!!!
    And I am LOVING these strength days! I have pr'd on both of them! Today will be another!!!! It's made me realize how far I've come in Crossfit and I absolutely LOVE it! I'm just still super super mad I'm 20# away from the 250 DL club...but I'll get there! And btw...back squats are one of my worse lifts! That, overhead squats, and I hope we do those two as well!
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. Back squat 278#. PR! ....because it was my first back squat. :)

    Does anyone know if there is an 'ideal ratio' between what you deadlift and what you back squat? Are you supposed to be stronger in the deadlift? Just curious, 'cause my deadlift sucks.
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Chad Says:
  16. Eric, I'm pretty sure that deadlift is usually stronger than back squat. I'm not sure of an ideal ratio though. I was just looking for information on this the other day. I was trying to figure out what I should shoot for on deadlift using some forumla based off of my last back squat. It was way off. This would probably be a better question for Ricky or Joe.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Found a guide at this weird website. It was call Crossfit Journal. Imagine that!

    If anyone is interested, just paste the link in your browser and the table should pop up.

    Tables for the basic barbell exercises were developed from(1) definitions
    in "Practical Programming" by Kilgore, Rippetoe, and Pendlay, (2) the
    experience and judgment of the authors, (3) the exercise techniques described and
    illustrated in “Starting Strength” by Rippetoe and Kilgore, and (4) published
    performance standards for the sports of powerlifting and weightlifting.

    Yours Truly,

    -Novice Deadlifter
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. Eric - got to tell you, my deadlift has always been weaker than my squat - though minimally. Of course I am looking through the lense here of competitive powerlifting which includes gear. BUT Physiologically, some people are better apt to deadlift and others to squat. My mother is a fabulous deadlifter and an average squatter. Physiologically she has longer arms than I do (makes it easier to deadlift) and I have shorter legs than she does (easier for me to squat).
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Happy birthday, VD!

    And congrats on the pullups, ladies! Big week at CFO.
  23. Chad Says:
  24. back squat: pr @ 352#
  25. Jenni Says:
  26. Did both back squats and clean and jerks from yesterday...

    Back squat 121... Not too thrilled with that
    C&J 85# and a PR. This is a big improvement...

    Then yet again, I worked on pullups... I will make it if it kills me!!

    Happy bday Amanda!
  27. VD Says:
  28. BS 148#. Pr by 5#. Not a huge improvement, but it's something. Thanks for the Bday wishes! Great job today Chad, Ron and all the other nooners!! Serious weight being tossed around! You all were great!!
  29. Kelli Says:
  30. Ended at 220# wasn't my max as I had more in me, but time didn't permit me to keep goin. I LOVE back squats!
  31. B3nj4m1n Says:
  32. Back Squat 284 PR by 20#. Had a great time at 5:30. Love figuring out my maxes so I can crush them next time. Great job 5:30. Happy Birthday Amanda!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. So I haven't done any crossfit workouts for over 3 weeks due to the army and doing Army PT instead of CFO workouts. Today I finally did a "On the Road" workout ... Invisible Fran of 21-15-9 Push ups, Air Squats and Sit ups for a total of 4:10 Seconds then I went for about a 3/4 mile run afterwords. GOD I MISS CFO!
  35. Jen S. Says:
  36. Happy b-day VD! 187 BS, just to clarify that's back squat not bull shit.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Back squat 121# I have nothing to compare this to...last I did was in April and I had just started. I think I had greens on but I am not sure. The met-con I had to jump off of 1 red, 2 blues, and 1 green just to make it up to straighten my arms. BUT box jumps are getting better. So that made me happy:)
  39. Joe C Says:
  40. finished with 325lb back squat. it wasnt too hard actually. but ben and i were the last ones there didnt want to take too long. my last one rep max was 285 so im pretty stoked about that. Great job everyone at 5:30! thank god tomorrow is friday CWS!!!
  41. Steve Says:
  42. 308, failed on 318.
  43. Allison H :) Says:
  44. Squat 1 rep max 146# and almost didn't make it up there for about... Oh 30 seconds but pushed up at the end! Ouchie! Congrats nooners! And Ron! You rock! That was amazing! Stayed for box jumps and jumping ring dips - 6;59!
  45. Allison H :) Says:
  46. Donde la Viernes blog?
  47. Danielle Says:
  48. BS: 164....booo!!! My bartner (that's bar partner) Kelli totally kicked my arse!! Nice work girl. I am not sure if 164 is a PR or not, it is pretty close or a little over....i dont know.

    After I did 25 (20#) ball slams 15 Burpee's and 25 ball slams: 2:37 or something like that, it was fun.

Thanks For Visiting!