Tuesday 090616

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time:
300 meter run
20 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
20 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
20 Pushups
Walking Lunges, 20 steps
20 DB Hang Power Cleans, 35/20 pound dumbbells
10 Slam Ball Chest Throws, 20/16 pound ball
300 meter run

For the slam ball chest throws, start with both feet planted and the ball at chest height. Drive the ball as far as possible, run to the ball, and proceed in this fashion until you have covered the length of the building 10 times (length of the building outside).

Post time to comments.

Lindsay Reiter.

Just a reminder, the 88th street intersection will be closed for construction starting today. You will only be able to access the gym from 90th. The intersection will be closed for approximately three weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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22 Responses to "Tuesday 090616"

  1. Mel C Says:
  2. Wait wait wait wait wait...we have to go back and forth in the building 20 times? Are you trying to kill us all? We had a week straight of metcons and now you're doing this? Seriously...I am not looking forward to this one...good god Ricky. What goes through your mind when you make this shit up? "I'm going to kill them today."

    On a better note...I got my first couple chest-to-bar pullups today during the metcon...even I was surprised.
  3. Cherie Says:
  4. Hey guys nice shout out on the mainsite. Congrats to both of you on your level II. See you in Aromas. - Cheers Cherie Chan
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I was so excited to see this workout! I love ones like this. I finished in 8:40.
    I also did the max rep push-ups before the WOD. I got 19-21-20. Who knows how I went up.....

    Great job everyone!
  7. BC Says:
  8. This WOD was pretty fun, 9:35 rx'd. Nice job everyone.
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. Wow Ang and Brian kicked ass in this! Good job guys!
  11. Kelli Says:
  12. Would love to do this...unfortunately this new job/school thing is messin with my schedule this week. :(
  13. Joe C Says:
  14. i cant friggin wait for this wod! i saw it last night and was excited. it looks like i might be able to just go balls to the wall on this and just test myself, but as always we will i kinda feel like a loser that im this excited about a workout...
  15. paul Says:
  16. Awesome videa of Joe--ah, the glory days of cf omaha at uno!

    5 rds:

    5 back squats (225)
    10 SDHPs (95)

    about 8 mins.

    was going to do the DL/DU workout from cf football, but forgot my jump rope.
  17. Jen S. Says:
  18. 8:02 Rx'd for the WOD. Pretty excited I finished strong considering I was the last in on the first run. Great job to the sweaty 4:30'ers
  19. Addi Says:
  20. 8:14 I wish my run and my pushups were stronger, but they're both improving. (Ok, pushups are improving. I'm just getting a little less lazy on runs.) I'm pretty happy with my time, but I feel like I probably should have been faster. I'll blame the pants directly, and indirectly Stacie. Because it couldn't possibly be my fault. :)
  21. Cari Says:
  22. 13:33 Rx'd ... great job 5:30!
  23. Brandon Says:
  24. The 6:30 class was awesome today! This was a fun WOD! ... and sweaty! :-)

    As RX'd 6:17

  25. Joe C Says:
  26. 7:15rx'd
    Man i wanted under 7 so bad!! but i broke up pushups and 1 set of cleans and that killed it right there. O and my first run was slow as hell haha. Great job today 6:30 lots of encouragement goin around.

    Just so you all know TEXAS is playing right now. So go watch em!!
    Hook em horns!!
  27. Melissa B Says:
  28. Hey guys...I just wanted to share an awesome Crossfit workout care of Lonestar Crossfit....The Triple Nickel-
    For 5 min AMRAP of 5 OH squats (men's bar for women), 5 pushups, 5 med ball clean, 5 sit ups, 5 kettleball swings. Rest 1 min repeat for 5 rounds. I'm still acclimating to the heat but this wrecked me!
  29. kahrs Says:
  30. 7:49 need to work ok stringing box jumps, and the ball throughs slowed me down.

    Melly Mel that just sounds terrible, glad to hear you are having fun down there.
  31. A Says:
  32. Did 3X max rep pushups, and my goal was 30 each time. Made it! 30-30-30 (last set was brutal)
    WOD: 7:35
    Obviously didn't have an option to do the ball throws in the weight room, so opted for 45# push press.
    Did 400 meter runs, which hurt the hip like a mother. Oh well. Felt great! Nice times by everyone who posted! Miss you all...
  33. Danielle Says:
  34. Rx'd 8:35!! Nice work 6:30, tara you kicked butt...welcome to Crossfit!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. 10:36 Rx'd
  37. Nichole Says:
  38. 10:53 Rx'd (except for DB Hang Cleans 15#)I needed a good kick in the butt after being gone for a over a week.
  39. Nichole Says:
  40. 10:53 Rx'd (except for DB Hang Cleans 15#)I needed a good kick in the butt after being gone for a over a week.
  41. Tara Says:
  42. Thanks for running with me Danielle!
  43. Allison H :) Says:
  44. 9:47
    rx'd except i used the baby pood kb!

    this wod was awesome! strong work 4:30!

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