Monday 090608

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Dead-lift 1RM
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps

For dead-lift, find your 1 rep max. Start with higher reps in the beginning but then drop to singles and find the heaviest weight you can lift.

For shoulder press, move up in weight each set for five sets.

Post weights for each exercise to comments.

Three rounds of eight 300-pound dead-lifts for Jeff Shannon. If you get the chance sometime, ask Jeff what he dead-lifted when he first started CrossFit.

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32 Responses to "Monday 090608"

  1. paul Says:
  2. oh man--i'm missing some great sh!t here!
  3. BC Says:
  4. Nope, not today. My 1RM coming in was 312, but this morning I hit a wall at 284. Not really sure what happened but I failed twice at 304 and that was all for this guy, and I was none too pleased about it. So there you go Addi, it's all yours.
  5. paul Says:
  6. my introduction to cf st louis was:


    thrusters (75#)
    pullups (I did 1/2 reps of strict, mostly ctb)
    jerks (75)


    tough on the shoulders, and not easy metabolically either. i didn't win, but tomorrow the lady said we're doing heavy DLs. only then will they come to know my true power.
  7. Cari Says:
  8. Last time I did 1 RM deadlift was mid Nov and was at 200 ... got 257 today!!! Thanks Amanda for pushing me :).
    Press: 63x5
    Great job to 6am ... especially the people doing CFFB; it hurt just watching you!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Ugh. What to do? CFFB? Or crush BC? Decisions decisions... :)

    Nice work, Cari! That's a huge jump!
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Nice workout, but do those shoulder presses hurt anyone else's neck? When I stick my head through at the top, I can feel my bottom cervical discs slowly shredding... (j/k)
    1st time Romanian Deadlifting 265#
    Shoulder press 108#

    Looks like my chiropractor is going to stay busy this week.

    CFFB was bringing it this morning!
  15. Mel C Says:
  16. YESSSSSSSSSS! I can't wait to do some heavy dead lifts! Last time I did them I was just short of 200#, so since Cari made it to 257...I'm hoping for atleast 250...I want to be in the 250 DL club!!!!
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. Shoulder Press 5x5= 88-110-120-132-137
    CFFB= 7 rnds+4 FS rxd

    6am was killin those DLs!!!
  19. Jill Says:
  20. ahhh I'm so bummed I'm missing this! As soon as I'm back, I'm determined to make the 250 club!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Y'all looked great doing DL's today! It made me want to do 1RM DL's so bad!
    CFFB: I only got to... 70x5 which is pretty lame. Then I did 8 rounds of the WOD with a front squat scaled to 99. I should have gone heavier (Thanks a lot Jeff). Great effort from the others in my group this morning!

    Eric, my neck and back hurt when I do presses too. I get nervous to go heavier because of it.
  23. BigD Says:
  24. First time DL heavy in years and still in the 300 club. Hell of a workout 6am folks!
    CFFB you guys are animals!
  25. ZachR Says:
  26. CFFB

    Presses 5x5 65,88,110,120,132

    WOD - AMRAP in 15 minutes
    7 Front Squats (185#)
    7 Burpee Pullups

    7 rounds + 7 front squats
  27. Gina Says:
  28. My previous PR was 197, so I was pretty happy with 231. I tried 241 twice, but no success.
    Presses were hard, got to 77 lbs. Every time the first two reps were easy then I really struggled on 3-5.
    Thanks for all the encouragement Shelly. You really did awesome, getting 261 on the DL's!!!!
  29. linds Says:
  30. CFFB
    Press 65-70-70-75-80
    used 103# on front squats
    3 burpee/pullups shy of 6 rounds
  31. John W Says:
  32. Hmmm... that CFO wod looks awfully familiar...
  33. John W Says:
  34. Keep up the great work everyone! It looks like you're killin' it in every way! Wish I could be there to share in the pain.
  35. lindsey v Says:
  36. 1RM 220. haven't done a DL max out for a long time. couldn't tell you what i did then...
    great job noon class :o)
  37. Addi Says:
  38. Great work, 5:30 - those DLs were looking good. And I was feeling jealous. A lot. Somehow I managed to keep my whining to a minimum, though. You're welcome, Ricky.

    Press - 65, 75, 80, 88 Failed on the second rep of 93.
    I feel pretty good about the 88, but I know I could have gotten the 93 if I hadn't told myself I wouldn't. I at least could have gotten another couple reps out of it.

    CFFB WOD - 120#, 3 burpee-pullups short of 7 rounds. Damn it. I could have squeezed those in somewhere easily.
  39. Paula Says:
  40. DL - 209# tried 231# 3 times.... should have made a smaller jump. I probably could have gotten 219.
    Presses felt good! 53-63-77-87-92 (missed last rep)

    Congrats Chad on making the board on DL!!!! Awesome job!!!
  41. Kelli Says:
  42. 252# DL and 99#x4 on the last set of 5 for the push press. Felt a bit weak today - but still happy with my results!
  43. Chad Says:
  44. Thanks Paula and thanks to everybody for the encouragement.

    dead-lift: 401#
    shoulder press: 110#5, 120#x3 (didn't care at that point)
  45. B3nj4m1n Says:
  46. Nothing better than heavy deadlifts and booty shorts on a Monday. Reached a new PR at 374 failed on 404, next time. Don't remember the shoulder press weights. Nice job 6:30.
  47. Crystal Says:
  48. Way to go 6:30!! New PR for me at 250 plus i made the club!! Tried 264 but only got a few inches off the ground. Darn, better luck next time.

    55x5 & 60x4 on press. Not one of my best or favorite ones.

    Looking at the comments & board today everyone did awesome & it looks like there was a lot of PR's. Keep it up.
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. I have never done max out on a dead lift so it was fun!

    Dead-lift 1RM- 153 tried to do more but the darn bar stayed on the ground.
    Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps- 38, 40.5, 43, 43, 43

    Good job 4:30!
  51. Allison C Says:
  52. congrats to all you 250 and 400 DL clubbers!!! and was is dj that made 450? lordy lordy lordy!

    i did dl 1 rm 180 lbs

    push press 58 lbs X5

    good work peeps
  53. V Says:
  54. I'm baaaaaaaack! After Ricky asked if I was going to join the 135# club today I thought "Hell Yeah!!" that sounds like a nice round number. I got up to 150 and wanted to quit but Ricky wouldn't let me so I managed to get up to 180. I'll take it after taking "leave" for the last 6 or so months! The presses were awful, I got up to 60#....but they were not pretty. Well it's good to be back and I can't wait start kicking butt in the gym a few months. Ha!!
  55. Brandon Says:
  56. My body needed an extra rest day after last week. I will definitely be hitting up the 1RM deadlift though... :-)

  57. JenT Says:
  58. 229# DL, almost had 234. Think I could have gotten it. Was hoping for the 250 club today, oh well, next time. 65# press. I'd rather chew glass than do that lift again. Guess that means I should probably do it more often.
  59. Mark Says:
  60. 5 x 142# and 3 x 154# for the presses. Then I did the CFFB WOD but scaled the front squats to 157#. Finished 7 rounds and 7 squats.
  61. Anonymous Says:
  62. Nice Cari!!!! Whoohoo!


    115lb Front Squat

    6 rounds plus 4 front squats....

    Paul - Once they see your DL they will realize your not messin around!
  63. Danielle Says:
  64. 269 on DL!! Think I could have done more but I was am thrilled with that new PR. Thanks for the contest Katy, I think you will get it next time.

    Should press not so great...50, 55, 60, 65, and only 3 with 70. Lots of work there.

    Congrats on all the PR yesterday!

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