Power Snatch/Hang Power Snatch 1RM
if time, 2 rounds for time of:
300 meter run
20 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
You may choose to do a power snatch from either the ground or from the hang position. The use of the word power when referring to the Olympic Lifts means only that you are catching the bar high, or without squatting.
Post snatch weight and met-con time to comments.
Mark Petersen snatching during the final WOD.
Those doing CF Football will notice that the workout for today entails doing Clean and Jerks. Since we have already clean and jerked, there is a workout posted on the games group blog for you to give a go at. Click on this link.
AMRAP in 20
15 hang power cleans (115)
12 ring pushups
21 situps
6 rds, 15 cleans, 8 pushups
Also made up back squat 1RM: 278# (PR)
Welcome to Rita, who was there for her FIRST class!