Thursday 090604

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:
Kettle Bell Swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood
DB Walking Lunges, 50/35 pounds

Post time to comments.

Welcome to CrossFit Tyler.

The cost of the weightlifting shoes with shipping included is $93.04. I will need this by Friday in order to get them shipped immediately. You can either make out a check to CrossFit Omaha, LLC or make the purchase through our online store (where you pay your monthly dues).

If you decide to go through Mind Body, the listing is under products. Again, I need your payment by this Friday.

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27 Responses to "Thursday 090604"

  1. Sarah Says:
  2. does this mean that I do 10 kettle bell swings and 10 DB walking lunges, then 9 kettle bell swings and 9 DB walking lunges, then 8 and so on? I'm new to this workout routine. Thanks!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. That is exactly what it means.
  5. VD Says:
  6. I may actually be feeling well enough that I can drag my butt in for this.
  7. BC Says:
  8. 9:08 with the KB swings scaled to 1.5 and the reps increased to 13-12-11...4. Nice job morning crew.
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. holy balls. this workout was awesome. my hands hurt from holding 35# for that long, but that comes with the territory. I finished just after BChrist, somewhere around 9:20 I think.
    great job this morning crew! I'm just happy I didn't have to do the pullups and sprints.
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. ZachR Says:
  14. CFFB

    Front Squats 3,3,3,3,3 reps
    245 (pr)

    AMRAP in 15 minutes
    100 meter sprint
    7 Weighted Pullups (35#)

    4 rounds
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I did CF football today. I am not sure if I like the strength and a WOD in the same day, but I'll have to get used to it I guess.
    I got to 152x3 for front squat and that seems like its a PR.
    I finished 8 or 9 rounds on the pull-ups and run. I wore the 20# vest which made it easier, but I wore it for the run too...
    Great job everyone this morning! I love big classes!
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. FS 5x3: 174-198-218-228-242
    CFFB: 5 rnds + 3 pullups

    FS was prety crapy, stil kinda tight from DL...
  19. Eric C Says:
  20. Wow, great workout! Thanks for the hospitality to the Nooners (as this was my first official workout). I was so 'out of it' after the workout, I couldn't remember what minute I finished at. It was 8:12 but I posted 9:12 on the board. Oh well.
  21. andrew Says:
  22. 9:53 Rx'd.
  23. Mark Says:
  24. I read my quote of the day on my calendar at work and thought it to be very fitting for CrossFit:

    "Don't knock your competitors, By boosting others you will boost yourself. A little competition is a good thing and severe competition is a blessing. Thank God for competition."

    -Jacob Kindleberger

    Granted, he is talking about business but it holds true for CrossFit too.
  25. Chad Says:
  26. 13:23 rx'd
  27. VD Says:
  28. turns out I still feel like crap. maybe tomorrow. Oh well.
  29. Steve Says:
  30. Did the CFO WOD, then hung around to run with Linds-

    AMRAP in 15 minutes
    100 meter sprint
    7 Weighted Pullups-weighted vest

    8 rounds plus run and we kept the vests on for the runs.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I had to scale my kb swings to the smallest one so started at 13-4 on thosen and did lunges rx'd w/ 35 #s at 10-1 - lost count on my lunges with my kbs sooo basically I think I did too many lunges at some point! My buns are burnin! 9:55 - awesome work nooners! - allison c :)
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Yesterday's epic junk food binge did NOT help my recovery from the last few days' workouts, surprisingly enough. Thought I'd make it in today, but my body says NO.
  35. Jenni Says:
  36. 11 something. Scaled. Blah, this was my first day back after a week of the flu and laziness. What an awful day to come back to. My butt is hurtin!
  37. Kelli Says:
  38. butt cramps! hahahaha...i finished 11:34 (?) Rx'd....
  39. linds Says:
  40. 140x3 on front squats
    8 rounds plus one run with a 20lb vest on for pullups and the run
    Good job Steve!
  41. Cari Says:
  42. Scaled to 1 pood swings and rx'd for lunges, 12:31; it's great to be back! Lots of people at 5:30; great job to everyone!
  43. Jen S. Says:
  44. 8:43 Rx'd- the lunges hurt more than the swings. Good work 4:30!
  45. B3nj4m1n Says:
  46. RX'd 9:54, my swings went to sh*t when I got to 5 but better than normal. Joe, thanks for the extra instruction before the WOD it helped me a lot. Nice job 5:30, nice turn out too.
  47. Mark Says:
  48. 230 x 3 front squats. Then I did the CFO workout with the 5:30 group. Rx'd in 6:28. Tried to catch up with Brandon there at the end but missed by a second. Great work 5:30!!
  49. Brandon Says:
  50. 5:30 was bangin' today! I stuck around after doing the awesome CFO workout, to watch Kyle crush the heavy thruster, CTB pullup workout... nice to see a big turnout today! :-)

    As RX'd 6:27

  51. Danielle Says:
  52. Ben pretty sure you got 8:54 because I got 8:55 and I was 1 second behind you!
  53. Joe C Says:
  54. Did the CFO WOD 7:24 RX'D
    this one wasnt near as hard as i thought it was going to be. I kinda coasted in the beginning rounds which i regret but i thought i was going to burn out. I didnt ha! good turn out at 5:30 today its awesome working out with so many pple :-)

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