Rest Day
Courtney Scott shows us a fantastic squat at the bottom of a wall ball shot. She has correct depth, heels firmly rooted in the ground, the knees tracked over the toes, and a good lumbar curve with the chest up. High props to you Courtney.
See you at 6.
Actually, they're getting better, but it's all relative. Still firmly in the realm of suck.
Used 65# for the Bear. I probably should have gone heavier, but I had a bad start to the morning and needed to go fast.
Nice job, 6 a.m. That looked like less fun. :)
Thanks again for the ride, Greg and Nic(h?)ole! You saved my parents an early wake-up call. :)
25# DB Squat Cleans
Pullups - green band
6am is so much better now that it's light out earlier!
CFFB= 88-110-132-142
tried strict HSPU 2day to work on strength development, as joe suggested, didnt end up to well, but i think tryin 2 move away from kipping all the time is a good idea...CFFB wod is a beast, wanted to get to #155 but after HSPU my shoulders wer prety burnt...
Nice job 6am!
Your welcome Addi!
db hang squat cleans (40#)
this was one of those ones where i really had to force myself not to quit.
40# DB Squat Cleans
Pullups - blue band
Anyway... HSPU's are still a one-at-a-time thing for me. Good job guys!
And everyone else at 4:30 looked great!
40lb DB cleans
WTF...kids did this workout!? this was a pretty hard one cus you dont have to break any of the reps up since you never hit muscle failure. Thank you everyone who cheered me on it helped :-)
Thanks Jon and Ricky for pushing me through the pull ups without the band! Funny that in March I couldn't even do one pull up! Great rest day workout! :)
~ Allison C
10-8-6-4-2 w/40lb dumbbell hang squat cleans, pullups, and burpees
My shoulder was trashed, so my burpees were friggin slooooow. HA! :-)
As RX'd 5:00 flat