Sunday 090628

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Pick one of the following activities below and try and become better at it. It would be wise to choose the one you are worst at or feel most uncomfortable doing.

Throwing and Catching a Football
Throwing and Catching a Baseball
Throwing and Catching a Frisbee
Play A Game of Horse on the Basketball Court
or choose an activity of your own that you have never done before.

Post activity chosen to comments.

Hannah Lefler

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3 Responses to "Sunday 090628"

  1. BC Says:
  2. I ran in the Siena Francis House 5K race at Zorinsky Lake this am. My time was 25:29, which I was pretty pleased with considering I did zero training for this thing. Seriously, the only running I've been doing is whatever we do in class, but I felt great the entire race. Thanks cross fit!
  3. Mel C Says:
  4. BChrist...all I can say..."That was F*CKING STUPID!" Best quote ever from yesterday that I still laugh at.
  5. JFey Says:
  6. Forgot to post yesterday, but did the 100 push-up WOD outside...yuck it was muggy! I made myself do 5 rxd then 10 on my knees, then 5 rxd, after which I did 25 air squats. My time was approximately 9 minutes (plus or minus a few seconds:) My arms/chest are screaming today! I also subbed in my brothers slow-pitch softball team tonight, which was awkward enough for me! And, it looks like I may be a permanent player now:)

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