Sunday 090607

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for time of:
75/55 pound thrusters, 21 reps
21 Double Unders


1 round for time of:
500 meter row
30 Burpees
10 Shoulder to Overhead, 165#/95#

500 meter row is a count-down on the screen. You can't get up from the rower until the number reads zero. Damper is set at 5. Shoulder to overhead is just that. Get it overhead and show support at the top by any means necessary.

Post which workout you did and time to comments.

Zachr during WOD 3 in the men's final heat.

I will have the gym open at 10 am this morning for those that wish to get a workout in. I expect the individual qualifiers and the affiliate cup team to be there but it is not required. The atmosphere will be of an open gym type.

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5 Responses to "Sunday 090607"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Did the row/burpees/overhead...
    5:05. I definitely could have gone faster on the burpees, but I didn't. So there. The rest felt good. Nice work on the thrusters and double-unders, Ang... I'm glad I didn't do that one - I would have been lapped on the DUs for sure. :)
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Thanks Addi. Even though it took longer, I'm glad I did DU's and thrusters. I hate rowing that much!
    You guys did great... except for that last one....
  7. Addi Says:
  8. If I were inclined to be a sarcastic jerk, I might use the word "cheat-ass."

    But we all know I'm not, so naturally I wouldn't.
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. My abs are ABnormally sore! I think I'll do a WOD on the road later on...but abs have never hurt this bad...but it's good!

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