Saturday 090606

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Team WOD
Surprise Team Workout

Be prepared for this one.

Post time to comments.

Your CrossFit Omaha regional games group. Give these guys a job well done when you see them. They held their own and then some. What a hard working and energetic group they are.

Hopefully, there are some of you already thinking about next year. We want to take 50 of you, if you would like to compete. Start the process now.

Congratulations to Allison Cannella for completing her first workout Rx'd. Jon encouraged her to remove the band for pull-ups and even though she was unsure at first, she did so. To her amazement, but not ours, she did every single pull-up on her own. Fantastic job, Allison.

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13 Responses to "Saturday 090606"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. aaaahhh the first pullup....CONGRATS ALLISON!!!
  3. Brandon Says:
  4. Nice job on the pullups girl! 50 people next year would be sweet... I rather enjoyed having the bus take us everywhere. Especially the trip back to the hotel after going out Sunday night... "In west Philadelphia, born and raised" HA!
    Looking forward to the "Suprise WOD" this morning. See everyone who's there at 10am.

  5. Addi Says:
  6. Congratulations, Allison!
  7. kenny t Says:
  8. way to go allison! a big milestone
  9. paul Says:
  10. congrats, Allison!

    Fun WOD today. after, i burned myself out doing 4 rds of:

    250m row (back of rower on 3 reds)
    25 ball slams

    didn't time it, but i'd guess about 10 mins.

    I'm out of town for the next 6 weeks, but i'll post my workouts since my heart will still be at CFO (this is intended to be BOTH cheesy and sincere).
  11. paul Says:
  12. also, great work on WOD, team! we OWNED it!
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Kelli Says:
  16. YAY Team BChrist, Ben, Angie, & Jen! 3 team WODS today and all were fun! 1)1550 lbs overhead out the door, 50 air squats, return overhead 2) 4000m total of work with pullups=1m burpees=3m box jumps=2m and max running allowed 3,000m 3) 100 burpees total as a team for time WE ROCKED IT! Fun times 10am!
  17. Jen F Says:
  18. WOD= Shoveling 3 tons of River rock for my parents landscaping. Wow, what a chore.

    Wish I could have made it is for the "Surprise WOD"!
  19. Cari Says:
  20. Team workouts that Kelli posted but w/ Brandon, Joe, Kristen and Sarah ... great job!! Congrats Allison on your pullups; that is AWESOME! Can't wait to see how the games group do in CA; wish I could make it out to watch but next year for sure!
  21. hannah eileen Says:
  22. ha. the 10 am class had it WAY worse than we did. my team at 9 worked it out well. surprisingly, my math skills came in handy. ha. great job this morning, esp to the 8am class. see ya'll monday morning.
    great work on the first rx's pullup, Allison! It's a huge feat.
  23. Paula Says:
  24. A huge congrats Allison on the first pull-up!!! Thats awesome!! Had my PRK eye surgery..its constantly watering and having some discomfort...trying to avoid the pain pill he prescribed me...hope to be back on monday. Have a great weekend!!
  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. Hey! Thanks everyone! I've come a long way since I started. Thanks to Ricky, Joe, Jon, Amanda, and Kylie for always being supportive and pushing me to test my limits. It also helps to work out with such inspiring friends! You guys are the best! Have a great weekend!

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