Saturday 090613

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day

I will have a team workout for those that have set a number in all of the strength lifts we've done this week.

You may also make up the dead-lift, clean & jerk, back squat, or power snatch this morning as well.

Post what you did and results to comments.

Ron Jenkins squatting the house.

Have you guys enjoyed these past few days of strength lifts? Would you like to see more of them? What's your idea on always having a strength lift before a met-con everyday, as long as you know what weights you should have on the bar for every set (percentages)? Or do you think regular programming with strength days every now and then is more down your alley?

Post thoughts to comments.

CF Footballr's, I will post the WOD for the day from now on, on the GG blog. I may throw a curve ball at you though and alter the workout to my liking as I did for "The Mooch." Check it out.

You doing the Football WOD can come in and do it as early as 8AM. If not, you can also come in at 9 or 10 to complete it as well.

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15 Responses to "Saturday 090613"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Did 12,9,6 50lb, DB Cleans and 21,15,9 push ups. The cleans slowed me down, or it might be the humidity down here in Charlotte. Finished 7:40
  3. Cari Says:
  4. Team workout w/ Debbie who was in town from Texas ... 90 seconds each for 5 rounds each of 4 DB snatches-35# dbs, 6 pushups, 8 jumping air squats. I only got 1 full round each 90 seconds; pushups take me forever; total we got 16 rounds. Nice to meet you Debbie and great job!

    I liked the strength days a lot ...I used to absolutely hate strength days but now I feel the exact opposite and love them. I think it's nice to have more time to really focus on technique of a specific lift and sometimes when we do them so far apart I feel like I've forgotten the things I fixed last time but every time we do them they get better and better so doing them a little more often w/ metcons would be great I think!

    Hope everyone has a fun weekend!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Did BS to make up from missing Thursday's workout. Did 220# 1 RM; tried 230# twice. I failed to get it up the first time and didn't go deep enough the second time to have it count. Good job to everyone there this morning.

  7. paul Says:
  8. oxidative pathway anyone?

    today's CF st louis wod f-ing SUCKED!


    wall balls
    ball slams
    kb swings (1.5 pd)

    the kicker was that every minute, you had to do "bastards" (burpee into a tuck jump)--1 rep if you were in the 40-set, 2 in the 30, etc. this took me almost 27 mins. i don't know if it's the humidity or what.

    i really hated this. during it i was thinking it was just too long and i almost quit.
  9. Jenni Says:
  10. I brought 2 new people and did the workout at 11:00 with them (with more reps and higher weight). It felt great. I'm actively working on resting less and it's really helping! I hope all the 11:00 folks loved it and come back soon!
  11. BC Says:
  12. I love these strength/met-con combo days and I am completely in favor of doing them this way on a daily basis. There, I have spoken.

    As for today, I came in at 9 and did the team wod, which blew goats, and then stuck around and made up Wed's clean and jerk 1rm wod. To my surprise I got 154#, which is a new pr. It wasn't the prettiest but it counts.
  13. Paula Says:
  14. I'm completely in favor of the strength/met-con days....I love them!!! You may not do a certain lift for a month or two and then forget what you learned last time...especially for some of us newbies. Great job everyone on all the PR's this week!! Have a great weekend!
  15. andrew Says:
  16. I too am in favor of having a strength lift before a met-con everyday.
  17. JenT Says:
  18. I like the idea of having regular, frequent strength days. It helps to point out weaknesses in the stuff you need to work on, it helps you track your progress better so you know exactly what weight you should be using in the met-cons, and it also helps you to set future goals.
  19. lindsey v Says:
  20. I agree w other that I prefer strength/metcon days. Like paula said I tend to forget technique strategies. Also, Happy Wedding Day to Meredith!
  21. Greg Says:
  22. I would like to see more 2-3 strength days a week and the met-cons afterwards were a nice finish.
  23. Mel C Says:
  24. I need to make up my snatches, but I needed a break for my's making me very angry that it's insisting on hurting. And I LOVE doing strength days because I forget the technique, and every time we are walked through the techniques I get better and better at the lift and thus can put more weight to my PR. I will miss the grueling work outs if we switch to strength days with met con, but I think we should have a regular combination of both mixed in each week. That way we can rest in between the strength days so we can shoot for a PR every time we do the lift again.
    Not that anyone cares, but I'm starting a strict Zone Monday and a strict regimen of Crossfitting and cardio. I'm tired of just doing the workouts and eating like sh*t. I really want to optimize what Crossfit does for me because not everyone has this chance to be in such an amazing gym and being taught by amazing coaches. Why waste it?

    If any of you want to hear a funny story...just ask Joe C about his night last night... :o) Sorry Joe...had to call ya out! I'm sure Jen Thomas and Ben will agree it's a good story to be told!
  25. paul Says:
  26. I wish I could be part of this cycle of strength work and short metcons!

    I think it works well for me to have a lot of heavy days in there, but i don't think 5x5 DLs really does much more to build my DL strength than doing heavy DLs in a metcon, like the 5 rds of 5 DLs at 275 and 10 burpees, for example. Or 21-15-9 225# BS and 75 DUs after each set. I'm pretty sure stuff like that combined with the occasional pure strength day has been making me stronger.

    I am still ragged from the stupid metcon I did here. next time they suggest a cluster-F@*# like that I am just saying 'no'.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 68# Snatch 1RM
    92# Clean & Jerk 1RM
  29. Danielle Says:
  30. Worked on Snatch today, wowzers I havent done that one in a while and my goodness, I forgot how challenging it is mentally. Physically it is one of the more difficult moves to, lots going on there. So I only got up to 68. Then moved the weight back down to 58 to really work on the form and did 15 of the

    After I did the 11:00 friend day, gosh there was a lot of new people today!
    200 meter run
    7 burpees
    12 box jumps
    12 (16#) ball slams
    12 walking lunges with 20# DB
    7 burpees
    12:27 or something like that.

    I really like strength days too. I know this is crazy but after strength days I dont "feel"like a got a work-out. I understand you burn more after strength but if I"m not passed out on the floor then I didn't work-out hard enough. I probably should have done some of the met-cons after but strength days do take up the entire time. I like to see new PR on strength days and keep the form constant.

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