Friday 090626

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
There are still two spots left for the Olympic lifting seminar this Saturday. I encourage you to sign up if you have the time as we will extensively cover both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. You will better learn both lifts and become more efficient at performing them. Also a reminder that there will be no Saturday morning classes due to the seminar.

Overhead Squat 1RM

3 rounds for time of:
21 Slam Balls, 20#/16#
15 No Pushup Burpees
9 Five Yard Change of Direction Sprints (Touch the line)

Post max weight overhead squat and met-con time to comments.

2009 CrossFit Games Qualifier

Name: Stacie Tovar
Age: 24
Weight: 135lbs.
Occupation: PayPal Inc.
CrossFitting since: December '08

Max Dead-lift: 255lbs. x 5 reps
Max Clean & Jerk: 155lbs.
Max Snatch: 110lbs.
Max Back Squat: 230lbs.
Max CTB Pull-ups: 9
500 Meter Row: 1:51:47

Favorite Lift: Clean (from ground to shoulder)
Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squat
Favorite WOD: "DT"
Least Favorite WOD:
One 800 meter run
5 rounds of:
5 Power Snatch (95lbs.)
15 Handstand Pushups
20 Two-fer-One Wall Balls
One 800 meter run

Favorite Quote: "Struggle is strengthening. Battling with evil gives us the power to battle even more." Ossie Davis

Best CrossFit Advice: You have to want to..... Start today.

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12 Responses to "Friday 090626"

  1. Allison H :) Says:
  2. Ripped legs!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Did 87# on 1 RM overhead squat. Needs a lot of work; did 5:02 on metcon.

  5. Cari Says:
  6. 58# for OHS; not too thrilled about this but lots to work on to improve. 7:51 for the metcon. Happy Friday!!
  7. andrew Says:
  8. OHS: 154x1

    Metcon: 6:01
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 172# for OHS. That is actually my body weight so.... don't I win a yo-yo or something?
  11. Greg MO Says:
  12. Power Clean 5x3= 198-208-208-218-220
    CFFB= caught switchin weights aftr 1st rnd, lost at least 10 sec...this was fun tho...

    Nice OHS 6am!...i'm off for the wkend, have fun team!!!
  13. Kelli Says:
  14. 125# OHS- think I coulda gotten 130 or 135 but ran outta time. I did make a crazy last effort at 140 but couldn't get it overhead and didn't want to try it again :) 6:17 on the met-con.
  15. paul Says:
  16. did heavy Christine today (275 DLs), with 1min rest b/t rounds. took about 17:30, which is terrible for me. first round in under 4, but the humidity was so bad i just couldn't breathe after that.
  17. BigD Says:
  18. 152 OH squat. Tried 172 but couldn't get shoulders to sit back in place. Will get it next time. 5:56 or 6:56 for metcon. Too busy trying to breath afterward I forgot. Good job 6AMers!
  19. Chad Says:
  20. 154 OHS (pr)
    8:30 something on the WOD
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Power clean - 154x3

    Pretty disappointed with this, since Josh reminded me that I got at least 164 FIVE months ago. Jerk. Tried 164 several times, but couldn't quite get it even once.

    Metcon - 6:27 The first three exercises felt great and I had a really good pace going, I thought, until I hit the jumping ball slams. That lactic acid hit hard and fast, and I couldn't resist my brain's urge to stop. A lot. I think that probably cost me the better part of a minute. Time to get that in check. NOW.
  23. Allison H :) Says:
  24. 77# OHS. 6:34 I think in the metcon! Awesome Friday folks! Awesome work 4:30 peeps!

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