Wednesday 090513

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

As many rounds in twenty minutes of:
150 Single Unders
DB Farmer's Walk, 50#/35#
15 Push Ball, 20#/14#

For the farmer's walk, you will start at one end of the gym and walk the length of the floor, there and back, twice.

Push ball is exactly like Wall Ball but without the squat. It is basically a push press throw. You are still required to get the ball to the ten foot target.

Post rounds completed to comments.

Some of you have asked about the gym hours during our trip to the regional qualifier. Thursday we will be open as normal. Both Friday and Saturday, we will run an open gym model from 10 AM to 1 PM.

In this type of setting, we will have a few workouts posted on the whiteboards but you will be responsible for your own warm-ups and skill work. The person we have watching the gym is very knowledgeable and will be available for questions and technique help. You can follow the workouts posted or you can do one of your own. It is basically up to you.

Monday we will be open as normal.

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16 Responses to "Wednesday 090513"

  1. Cari Says:
  2. 3 rounds+150 singles+1 down and back. Thought this was a fun workout but the farmer walks were hard; my grip in my left hand started sucking around round 3; dropped it once so as a penalty had to redo that part. Great job to everyone at 6!
  3. Jill Says:
  4. 4 rounds + 120 singles
  5. Greg Says:
  6. 4 rounds + 50 Singles. Great Job 6am.
  7. Gina Says:
  8. I finished most of the singles of round 4. The farmer's walk was brutal on my grip.
    Nice work everyone this AM- Mark, I am still amazed you got up that early! Good to work out with you!
  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. Morning monsters,
    Great to see everyone getting after it this morning I finished 6 rounds. Paul wait to push til the end.
    Donohoe out
  11. VD Says:
  12. Don't know if I'll be able to make it. Hanging out with my pops after his hip replacement... if I don't see the games group before you go... GOOD LUCK AND KICK ASS!!! you are all going to rock it in Denver. Are they going to be posting the results on the site?
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. 5 rounds and had 9 pushballs left of round 6...more importantly good luck to everyone in the game's group!!! You guys are going to KICK ASS!!! can't wait to hear all about it!
  15. Michael Says:
  16. 4 rounds + ~150 singles.

    The rope caused me HUGE frustration. Here's some dude next to me that finishes when I'm at 30, and I keep tripping. The last set was done in groups of 5-10. Argh!

    The best part was that when I got home, I found that I had received a new speed rope in the mail!
  17. paul Says:
  18. i thought i needed a rest day today, but i have been jonesin for crossfit all day! i am so f-ing restless when i don't go to cf. man, i got the bug BAD!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Finished 5 rounds and 42 singles. Dan M.
  21. Becky Says:
  22. Sorry I couldn't be there today, had some things to deal with. I'll make this one up, it sounded fun! Good Luck Games Group! You'll all do awesome and make us proud!
  23. Jen S. Says:
  24. 5 rounds plus 150 singles and 1 lap on the walks. Almost made it to 6, but we all know almost doesn't count. Good luck games group. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines!
  25. Paula Says:
  26. 3 rounds + 85 singles. It was a fun one! I really need to work on my grip! GOOD LUCK to all you gamers!!! I know you guys are going to kick some serious ASS!!!
    I so proud to be a part of CFO!!!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 3 rounds. + 150 SU and got halfway on my farmer walks in round 4 before time was called. I really need to get a grip! haha! GOOD LUCK ALL GAMERS this weekend! I'll be thinking of you all! Wishing you the best! :) ~ Allison C
  29. Jen F Says:
  30. I did Joe's made-up alternative work-out that he suggested I do since I missed out yesterday...and yes it kicked my butt!
    25 Double-unders
    50 lb (each hand)Farmers walk (down and back once)
    10 Wall balls

    I did 8 (or 7...I sort of got disoriented in the middle somewhere) rounds in 20 minutes. My goal was 2 rounds per 5 min. Thanks for pushing me Joe, Kylie, Ricky and Amanda! You guys are great!!

    Good luck games peeps!! I know you will all do CrossFit Omaha proud!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 5Rds.

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