Thursday 090514

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Well, we are off to Denver to try our hand at competing against some quality opponents. It will be an exciting time for everyone involved and we have put in the work to do well. I am excited for our team because they are awesome and have prepared hard. Wish us the best of luck and the best of times. We will do our city and our gym proud.

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21 Responses to "Thursday 090514"

  1. paul Says:
  3. Kenny T Says:
  4. Good look and Never Back Down!
  5. Courtney Says:
  6. Good luck guys!!
  7. Chad Says:
  8. Good luck everybody.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. wish i could be there to be a cheerleader!!! you all are so amazingly fast, hercules strong, and fit! GOOD LUCK GAMERS!!! ~ allison c
  11. Tyler Says:
  12. Good luck everyone! Have fun
  13. k ludemann Says:
  15. paul Says:
  16. did team FGB with the beast we all know as Jeff Shannon. we got 493 between us. loved it.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. good luck everyone! go hard and have fun!
    Lindsey V.
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. Good Luck all! I'll be there to cheer you on! :)
  21. Gina Says:
  22. did team FGB with Karen. Nice work everyone.
    Good luck to all going to Denver. I will be there cheering you on!
  23. O'Kief Says:
  24. Good luck gamers! And safe travels to everyone going to Denver.
  25. Crystal Says:
  26. Good luck to the games group. You have all trained so hard for this weekend & will represent Crossfit Omaha well. See ya'll saturday morning to cheer you on.

    Now it's time to put on that game face & KICK SOME A**!
  27. paul Says:
  28. and good luck to Kylie L as she moves to DC! We'll miss you, Kylie!
  29. Jill Says:
  30. Good Luck everyone!!! you're all going to do great! :)
  31. Jordan Says:
  32. Good Luck XFITOmaha!!
    Butt some butt!@
  33. B3nj4m1n Says:
  34. Game face bro! Good luck!!
  35. Jenni Says:
  36. Did FGB 2 rounds with Becky and 1 round by myself. Total of 185 for me. Wahoo!

    Good luck games group! You're going to rock it!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Good luck from Marty and the rest of BUD/S class 278!
  39. Cari Says:
  40. FGB, 3 rounds with Lindsey; 300sh. Good luck to everyone at the qualifiers and I'll be there cheering for you!!
  41. Meredith Says:
  42. Good luck CFO!

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