Tuesday 090519

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

42-30-18 reps for time of:
PVC Pipe Thrusters
Jumping Pull-ups

Finish each round with a 400 meter run

Post time to comments.

From left to right: Myself, Brandon Berry, and Jon Day.

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22 Responses to "Tuesday 090519"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. i slept too much on the bus today i can't sleep now!! i'm uploading some videos and pics to facebook from the wknd!! congrats again to everyone on their accomplishments this wknd, and thanks to everyone who supported us!! I'm gonna take today off because my quads, chest,and throat told me to!! but I'll see ya'll again on Wed!!

    ps. if you are lookin for some entertainment tonight, come to stokes downtown around 9 for happy hour/my bday :-)

  3. paul Says:
  4. 11:44.

    welcome back, gamesters! i can't wait to hear more of your war stories. each and every one of you is an inspiration.
  5. Greg Says:
  6. Anyone who went to Denver Please see Kylie and sign the Thank-you card for John W's aunt. I would like to send later this week.

  7. Mel C Says:
  8. This WOD doesn't like like a joke! Holy cow I'm going to need my Ipod for inspiration!
  9. andrew Says:
  10. 13:36 Rx'd.
  11. BC Says:
  12. My career is interfering with my fitness and forcing me to start going at 6am, and I am NOT a morning person. Did pretty good though, 12:37. Great job morning crew and congrats to all the Gamers, way to represent!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Congratulations CF Omaha for your impressive showing at Qualifiers! Way to go! We are rooting for you all!!

    CF Iowa
  15. Donohoe Says:
  16. Congradulations all gamers the fact that you competed is all that matters. YOu all lead by example and are an inspiration to us all.
    I did yesterdays work out
    95x75 reps of floor to overhead.
    I was a bitch and did not push myself 8.45 it was a bad performance and at least I got it outta the way for the month.
  17. Gina Says:
  18. 18:30- nice work everyone this morning.
  19. JenT Says:
  20. 11:51
    Note to self: don't wear black pants to workout when it's 85 degrees outside. Dummy.
  21. Kelli Says:
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN! Hopefully this workout will burn out this dang cold I've had for 1 week now. See y'all at 5:30...
  23. Jill Says:
  24. 13:41, did 400m row instead of run. Nice work everyone and congrats to all the gamers!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 13:11 Rx'd. Dan M.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Happy Birthday Megan!

    And I would also like to say congrats to everyone who competed in the regionals. You did awesome and I am very happy and extremely lucky to be a part of it! Thanks!
  29. Paula Says:
  30. I was hoping to be there tonite, but I've been fighting the flu bug. I had to wear a sweatshirt outside tonite!!
    I'm hoping to be there for the noon class tomorrow.

    Also, I would like to give a big CONGRATS to all the gamers. Job well done!!! Again, I'm so proud to be a part of CFO!!!!
  31. John W Says:
  32. Happy Birthday Megan! Have a great time tonight and maybe I'll see you there!

    13:24 Rx'd
    This was a good one to loosen things up. Training for next year stars today! HA.

    Congrats to all the gamers and thanks for a great weekend! Also thanks to everyone who has supported us, it means a lot to have such a great community at the gym!
  33. A Says:
  34. Happy Birthday Megan!!!!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Holy HOTNESS today! I vote for a slip-n-slide to finish our WODs on! that would be awesome!!! ~allison c
  37. paul Says:
  38. Happy Birthday, Megan!
  39. Kelli Says:
  40. That was difficult as I couldn't breathe so well. Dang cold. 17:52--took my time.
  41. Jen F Says:
  42. It was a HOT one! Great job 5:30ers! Thanks for pushing me John W. You rock!

    Time: 13:36
  43. Nicole G Says:
  44. This was a fun work out- the runs were a little warm:)I finished in 14:07 Rx'd.

Thanks For Visiting!