Sunday 090517

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

100 Pushups for time

Pushups are honest. Chest to deck and arms completely locked out with the hips above the elbows at lockout.

Every time you have to break up the pushups, sprint for 30 seconds. Breaking up a set consists of coming to the knees.

Post total time and how many times you had to run.

Kyle Kasperbauer

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8 Responses to "Sunday 090517"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Good luck at the games today, everyone!

    You guys kicked some ass yesterday, let's see the same today!
  3. VD Says:
  4. From a reliable source... i don't think Addi had started drinking by then... Ricky, Kyle, Stacie and Libby all qualified. They haven't posted final times on the Regionals site yet, but I know everyone rocked it hard! Way to go everyone. You've made us all proud to be CFO family!
  5. Jenni Says:
  6. Those were the names I got from Carri as well. What a great job you guys did coming out and representing CFO! Awesome job everyone and congrats to Ricky, Kyle, Stacie and Libby!
  7. Jenni Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Congrats to all our people, especially Ricky, Kyle, Libby, and Stacie!

    The videos on the games site of you, Ricky, are AWESOME! You are my idol, bro!
  11. Melissa B Says:
  12. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!! Congratulations to all of you and I can't wait to see how Ricky, Kyle, Libby, and Stacie do in CA!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. To Crossfit Omaha,
    You guys are a very impressive bunch. Keep doing what you are doing out there, since clearly it is working. Great job to you all who came down (up?) to Denver and Congrats to you all.

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Are you serious? 4 outta 10! Awesome job guys! I think Ricky is putting more than Kool-aid in the water there at CFO. freakin awesome!

    Aaron H

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