Thursday 090521

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

4 rounds for time of:
7 Overhead Squats, 132/88 pounds
21 Dead-lifts, same weight/same bar
10 Box Jumps, 30/24 inches

Post time to comments.

Amanda Brei starting her run during Saturday's dead-lift/400 meter run WOD in Denver.

Just a reminder, if you haven't paid $20 for the competition shirts from this past weekend, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks for your promptness concerning this matter.

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20 Responses to "Thursday 090521"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. hello all,
    I liked this one. Tho I couldn't do any OHS...cuz if I have to bale out and drop the bar I will get kicked out of the military gym I use. So I did 10 FS instead. Also used 135# and 36"box.


    Aaron Harris
  3. BC Says:
  4. 17:23 (I think) with the OHS & DL both scaled to 110#, which I'm pretty sure is actually an OHS PR for me. This WOD was sh!t-tay. Nice job everyone.
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Morning monstars,
    Great job everyone this was a real kick in the gutz.
    1234 I believe those deadlifts SUCKED. So I hope to see everyone on friday night to say goodbye to John aka jesus aka magnum PI( see the stache)
    Donohoe is out....
  7. John W Says:
  8. 10:04 Rx'd
    Great job 6 amer's! Those OHS got tough.
    I can't wait until tomorrow, it is going to be awesome. Hope to see everyone there!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. 7:59 rxd body is suprisingly still pretty worn out from Denver...this wod was pretty much tailored to my strenghts and i still kind of had a hard time...think i can cut at least a minute off of this next time i try it...

    tommorow nite is gonna b fun! more Jesus?...who will be my savior now?...
  11. Gina Says:
  12. 15:? I used 77# for the OH squats and DL's, and a 20 inch box. It was good to have a big group at 6 AM!
  13. Chad Says:
  14. DNF. First day back and I feel like I'm starting all over again.
  15. Kelli Says:
  16. Welcome back Chad!
  17. Courtney Says:
  18. 16:46 w/ 53# for OH Squat and deadlift and 20in box.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I attempted doing OHS I did 2 at 115lbs and lost my balance so I stopped doing them. I substituted Front Squat 10 rounds of 135lbs. For a time of 15:32. This workout SUCKED especially for not doing CFO for over a week this was after playing a round of Golf earlier today!
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. 10:00 Rx'd
  23. Gdawg Says:
  24. 10:56 Rx'd....that one killed the wrists! on my last set of OH squats I lost control on the 6th one and almost took out my sister with the bar...sorry linds! I should have pushed harder on the box jumps, i kind of used it as a rest time, my throat got so dry again!! nice job to everyone today and those at 530 with me...lots of good energy and cheering! love it! see ya'll tomorrow!!

  25. Addi Says:
  26. 13:something.. couldn't hear anything over the screaming pain from my lower back.

    I was definitely NOT expecting to have to break up the deadlifts, but my back spasmed in the 3rd round... and then again in the 4th round... and then two more times. Suck.

    Considering the amount of time I spent writhing on the floor in pain, I'm pretty happy with my time. But I'm not at all convinced that it was a good idea to finish. The ice is barely making a dent in the soreness.
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. 10:42 with some scaling: 77# OHS and DL and 20" Box Jumps. I was feeling weak today, so thought I would go "easy" on myself in terms of the weight load but push myself to not break up the reps. Worked until the last round of DL and I had to split them in two.
  29. Cari Says:
  30. WAY scaled this; ohs felt worse than normal if that's even possible; 33# ohs, 88# deadlifts, 20 in box jumps-11:30. Hope your back feels better soon Addi.
  31. Jill Says:
  32. 77# OHS 87# DL, 24" 12:32
  33. kahrs Says:
  34. I need to work on OHS, thing went decent till the last round. My wrists just couldn't take it. Last round switched to 88 just to finish. Otherwise things felt great. Everyone did great at 5:30.
  35. JenT Says:
  36. 65# OHS and DL, 24 in box 9:33. Tried to start out with 77# but pussed out and went down to 65. F my life.
  37. Chad Says:
  38. Thanks Kelli
  39. zj Says:
  40. 13:13 Rx'd.
    My back was not happy that I did this.

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