4 rounds for time of:
7 Overhead Squats, 132/88 pounds
21 Dead-lifts, same weight/same bar
10 Box Jumps, 30/24 inches
Post time to comments.
Amanda Brei starting her run during Saturday's dead-lift/400 meter run WOD in Denver.
Just a reminder, if you haven't paid $20 for the competition shirts from this past weekend, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks for your promptness concerning this matter.
I liked this one. Tho I couldn't do any OHS...cuz if I have to bale out and drop the bar I will get kicked out of the military gym I use. So I did 10 FS instead. Also used 135# and 36"box.
Aaron Harris
Great job everyone this was a real kick in the gutz.
1234 I believe those deadlifts SUCKED. So I hope to see everyone on friday night to say goodbye to John aka jesus aka magnum PI( see the stache)
Donohoe is out....
Great job 6 amer's! Those OHS got tough.
I can't wait until tomorrow, it is going to be awesome. Hope to see everyone there!
ehh...my body is suprisingly still pretty worn out from Denver...this wod was pretty much tailored to my strenghts and i still kind of had a hard time...think i can cut at least a minute off of this next time i try it...
tommorow nite is gonna b fun!...no more Jesus?...who will be my savior now?...
I was definitely NOT expecting to have to break up the deadlifts, but my back spasmed in the 3rd round... and then again in the 4th round... and then two more times. Suck.
Considering the amount of time I spent writhing on the floor in pain, I'm pretty happy with my time. But I'm not at all convinced that it was a good idea to finish. The ice is barely making a dent in the soreness.
My back was not happy that I did this.