Friday 090522

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Hang Power Clean, 145/100 pounds

In order for pull-ups to count, each rep requires that you touch the body to the bar. If there is no contact, the rep does not count.

The hang power clean does not require a squat.

Post time to comments.

Zachr getting his chest to the bar.

Those of you that have signed up to purchase weightlifting shoes, I will be ordering them at the end of next week. I have a sheet that shows what color combinations are available in different sizes. I will post this sheet at the BBQ this evening. Choose a color and write it next to your name on the order sheet in the gym prior to next Friday.

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13 Responses to "Friday 090522"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Ouch.
  5. paul Says:
  6. 11:20-something, I think. tough one--power cleans are not easy for me. CTB pullups aren't exactly a walk in the park either.

    great job, 6am, and Greg Mo--way to destroy this one!
  7. John W Says:
  8. This was a fun one as Rx'd, but I accidentally decided to mix it up. In the fog of the WOD I did
    15 pu 15 hpc
    12 pu 12 hpc
    12 pu (wtf!?) 9 hpc
    9 pu 6 hpc
    6 pu 3 hpc
    3 pu

    Whatever, I did that in 10:40. That extra 12 just kind of snuck up on me I guess.

    Great job morning monsters! And take care of those hands linds and ang!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. 6:58 rxd

    CTB pullups r still a weakness 4 me, did all 15 then 4s and 3s the rest of the way with a couple misses...this is what seperates the elite (rick, kyle, matt chan, etc.) from the weak (aka me)...cleans is what kept me in the game

    great job to all the 6amers
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Greg, you are tearing sh*t up this week. Stupid-fast times..

    The back seems to have recovered for the most part after yesterday's 'episode', so I'm looking forward to this..
  13. Jenni Says:
  14. I did yesterdays workout today. I didn't time myself but the deadlifts felt great. I'm out of town and had to do this at a box gym. After I was "spoken to" for box jumps I subbed vertical jumps and did 15 instead of 10. I'm going to check out the local affiliate tomorrow.
  15. Michael Says:
  16. @Jenni: lol for the globo nonsense!

    I went to the noon session and finished almost last at 14:25 scaled to 110# on the cleans. Still working on form... the pullups weren't so bad, but then my arms wouldn't work for the cleans... couldn't get my elbows through fast enough.

    Good job all! Have fun at the BBQ! Wish I could make it.
  17. Tyler Says:
  18. 15:49 rxd - kicked my arse.
  19. linds Says:
  20. 19:25 Rx'd this one took awhile CTB took me a long time. See you at the BBQ!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 15:38, 110# cleans. Dan M.
  23. zj Says:
  24. 9:45 Rx'd
  25. Mark Says:
  26. 9:38 Rx'd

    And my term for the night: "Grip intensive" as in, this workout was very grip intensive.

Thanks For Visiting!