In teams of 4, two guys and two gals, perform the following for time:
1500 Meter Row
25 Thrusters, 132#/88#
100 Ball Slams, 20#/16#
85 Pushups
Each member of a team must choose one exercise to complete. The stipulations are as follows:
1. Each exercise must be fully completed prior to the next member starting
2. No scaling of any movements. If you have someone on your team that can not perform thrusters at the prescribed weight or do pushups without bands or on their knees, they must be relegated to either the 1500 meter row or the 100 ball slams.
3. No rack can be used for the thrusters.
Post team members, team name, and total time to comments.

Some of the boys warming up prior to the start of their heats.
Nice work, 9am crew.