Monday 090511

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rocky Mountain Regional Qualifier WOD #1
3 rounds for time:
8 Dead-lifts, 300#/195#
400 meter run

Post time to comments.

Annie of CrossFit headquarters doing thrusters.

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23 Responses to "Monday 090511"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. Sports fans-
    Our very own Kylie Ludemann is leaving us this week, heading for DC, and we're having a going away dinner (and drinks) for her tonite.
    Monday night- 11 May
    Downtown Stokes, 12th and Howard
    7:30 pm
    Please give me a heads up if you'll be stopping by. Hope to see you out there.
  3. Courtney Says:
  4. I hope to be able to make it steve.
  5. paul Says:
  6. This was brutal. 7:27, rx'd. I forgot to run back to my bar afterward, though. i was completely spent after that last run.

    great work, everyone! i can't imagine doing that by myself. really glad we had a nice, big group this morning!
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. I will be driving down to the Games on Friday afternoon sometime, if anyone is interested in a ride down let me know. I will be driving back Sunday after the games are over.
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. Steve - I will most likely be there as well :) looking forward to this workout this afternoon!
  11. andrew Says:
  12. 7:58 @ 203#
  13. Gina Says:
  14. 10:55- running really slows me down. 141lbs- DL's
  15. Mel C Says:
  16. Good luck Kylie! Id come but am sick...just my luck! Ill be sleeping all night so someone enjoy chips and guacomole for me!
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. PS Steve -- will be there for drinks at about 8:30...
  19. VD Says:
  20. 10:35. Used 121 for the first two rounds, and then picked up jen t's bar of 143 for the last round. Should have gone heavier the whole time. The runs kill me... still coughing.

    Steve and kylie... I'm trying. I can't find anyone to cover the first part of my shift. I put in for the night off, but I won't know about that til about 630. I'll text Kylie Lu and let her know. I hope I can make it.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 7:50 Rx'd. I screwed up the last rep on the deadlifts during the second round, and dropped the bar instead of setting it down. Had to go back and do another one. Time could have been better, but my goal was to be under 8mins, so I can't complain to much.

    Gary M
  23. Melissa B Says:
  24. 6:55 @ 177....didn't break up the DLs but didn't go prescribed.
  25. Michael Says:
  26. 7:13 @ 242#. This was my first class workout; finished my one-on-ones last week. Good job everybody!

    Note to self: don't leave the water bottle at home next time. :(
  27. Cari Says:
  28. 10:31 at 165#...great job to everyone at 5:30 and congrats on your 1st class Michael! Can't make it to Stokes tonight; hope things go great for you in DC Kylie!
  29. JenT Says:
  30. 6:49 at 143# Some of my DLs were fugly, but felt pretty good, despite only getting about 4 total hours of sleep last night (thanks, teething baby.) Maybe this whole paleo thing is starting to work.
  31. Jill Says:
  32. 8:03 @ 153#
    Good job everyone!
  33. Joe C Says:
  34. 7:51 RX'd friggin dropped the bar the first two rounds so had to two extra reps. Kinda melted goin into the 3rd round and rested for like 10 seconds. didnt break any reps up (exept for the 9th rep ugh!) great effort everyone today was fun! see yall tomorrow for another Qualifier WOD. :-)
  35. Kelli Says:
  36. 10:24 Rx'd -- First round was awesome! It was the next two that killed me...I could not believe how heavy the deadlifts felt on the 2nd round
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. good job nooners! watching everyone from the back row we all looked like a bunch of machines pulling those deadlifts! I did 121 lbs and time was 7:43. Can't wait for tomorrow's qualifier wod! fun fun! :) ~ allison c
  39. Jenni Says:
  40. Only deadlifted 109 and finished in 8:07. I feel like I could've lifted more. I want to try this again on a rest day with more weight and see how I do :)
  41. Danielle Says:
  42. 738 with 174#. I really liked this one!
  43. Tyler Says:
  44. 6:10 with 230#. First time doing DLs in a work out.
  45. Donohoe Says:
  46. Morning monsters,
    8.45 I used 308 which was not too bad but the run sucked as usually.
    I hope everyones backs are not as sore as mine.

Thanks For Visiting!