Commercial Spot on Fox

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Hey guys, just want to inform all of you of our commercial spot on Fox. It will air during the 9 o' clock news tonight (May 11th) at about 9:47ish. Keep an eye out and let us know what you think?

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7 Responses to "Commercial Spot on Fox"

  1. Kelli Says:
  2. cool spot! :) go CFO!
  3. Michael Says:
  4. Saw it! Loved it!

    2 coaches handling 70 people... amazing!

    Challenging for elite athletes in their twenties... or people in their seventies. Only CrossFit, right?

    Well done!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Did they show the entire spot?

  7. Jenni Says:
  8. That was the best workout ever! I'm so proud to belong to this gym!
  9. Courtney Says:
  10. Watched it and loved it!
    I wish I could have done the workout, it was amazing to see.
  11. Danielle Says:
  12. Darn it I missed it. Are you going to put it on the blog?
  13. Unknown Says:
  14. Hey everybody,

    The spot will be on fox42 9p news almost every night the next two weeks. If you want I can email it to you. Just contact me at and I will send it to you.

Thanks For Visiting!