Friday 090529

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Power Cleans, 95#/65#
10 Wall Balls, 20#/14#

Power cleans are from the ground with no squat.

Post rounds completed to comments.

I will be placing the order for weightlifting shoes on Monday of next week so I need everyone that is planning on ordering shoes to make sure they see me about choosing colors and actual sizes by the end of this week.

I will place the order and find out a final price, including shipping.

Both the individual qualifiers and affiliate team competitors will begin their training today by following CrossFit Football. Not all days will consist of their WOD's but the majority of them will. I will have them posted in the gym. Feel free to join them at any time.

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19 Responses to "Friday 090529"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Couple questions...stepbrothers style..

    "If you take fish oil, how much should you really take?"

    "Are all vitamins created equal?"

    "Can I do Xfit Football and then do the Xfit WOD in the same day?"

    "What about doing 100 situps 3X a week...will that give me ripped abs?"

    These are things I just don't know...

    ttl Reba
  5. Mel C Says:
  6. Bahahaha Reba you're hilarious! And is Crossfit Football like Crossfit Golf? that another StepBrothers-like question?
  7. Jordan Says:
  8. 10 rounds + 1 clean
    6:00 am workout was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Good job all!
  9. Greg Says:
  10. BIG 6am class today. Great Job everyone. 8rds +1 clean #88
  11. Chad Says:
  12. Are there pictures of these shoes online?
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. 17 rnds + 2 cleans

    WOW!...what a huge 6am today, it's awesome 2 c this many ppl workin so hard this early!...way 2 work everybody!!!
  15. John W Says:
  16. 15 rnds + 7 cleans
    6am was the place to be this morning
    However, the place to be tonight is the crescent moon for a little drinking on my last night in Omaha. Das Boot!
  17. VD Says:
  18. 9 rds even with 58#. I should have gone rx'd. but I'm happy with the rep count. AWSOME job nooners!!!! Way to bust it out!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. 12 or 13 rounds + 10 cleans.. Lost count for a second at round 7 (or was it 8?) I really have no clue. Either way, I'm happy.

    Tried to focus on power clean form to pace myself so I wouldn't have to break up the wall balls. "Great success..." (a la Borat)
  21. Steve Says:
  22. So, I know who the individual qualifiers are, but who's on the team?

    Skipping today, will be in tmrw.
  23. paul Says:
  24. can't wait to get back and work out with you all!


    2x double unders

  25. Michael Says:
  26. Yeah. My scabs were almost healed from the last set of power cleans, then this?!

    As rx'd: 9 or 10 full rounds (I lost count)

    Lots of resting in there. If I could charge through without stopping, it would be much higher. I'm happy about improving my form on the cleans, though!
  27. Jenni Says:
  28. I did 8 rounds plus 3 cleans as rx'd. I hate doing cleans because I'm awful at them, but I've been practicing. Today felt much better but my form went to crap towards the end. Great job 4:30!
  29. Jen S. Says:
  30. 10 rounds + 7 PC, but for some reason I left out the squat on the wall balls in one of the rounds. No idea what happened to my brain there. PC felt good, not so much on the wall balls.
  31. kahrs Says:
  32. 13 rounds 10 PC's, the heat sucks and it's not even that bad yet.
  33. Chad Says:
  34. 5 1/2 rounds
  35. Jill Says:
  36. 11 rds + 6 PCs. As bad at I thought this was going to be, I loved it! Nice work everyone!
  37. B3nj4m1n Says:
  38. Gdawg!, if you can dring you can CrossFit! Lindsey and Ben you better be there tomorrow even if it just at nine o'clock. Nice to see everyone out tonight. Hasta manana! Y tu tambien Jesus.

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