Wednesday 090408

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Pam Feyerherm

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10 Responses to "Wednesday 090408"

  1. paul Says:
  2. did the aptly named "three bars of death"--scaled like a mo fo. DNF.

    in 25:31:


    242# DLs
    132# bench presses
    110# full cleans

    damn tough, but still easier than monday's games WOD!
  3. Chad Says:
  4. I did workout #2. I tried for 3 rounds, but ran out of gas in the 2nd and had to do 4.

  5. Jen S. Says:
  6. Workout #2
    I finished 4 rounds in 8:34. Sucky, sucky 4 rounds.
  7. Kelli Says:
  8. I did workout #1 -- 10:17. While my lower back was screaming - it was nice to work on wall balls, since that is one of my goats...
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Did workout #1 in 12 something. Dan M.
  11. Cari Says:
  12. Workout #2 ... purple band for pushups-14:55, 4 rounds.
  13. Mel C Says:
  14. I am so sore from yesterday and was really really really pissed that I broke up the third round of burpees...if you were there I'm sure you heard me cussing up a storm. My back and chest is so freaking sore.
  15. Jen F Says:
  16. I did the push-up, burpee, air squat, and box jump work-out today. 7 min 34 sec.

    Thanks for the extra help after class John Day!!! You awesome!
  17. BC Says:
  18. WOD#2, 3 rounds in 6:58. Nice work 5:30 crew.
  19. Nicole Says:
  20. I did work out number #2 and did not break up the rounds. I finished in 7:22.

    I liked this one. Great picture Pam!

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