Thursday 090409

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

10 rounds:
1 minute of clean and jerks
followed by
1 minute of rest

Be creative with this, work on your faults, go heavier and do few, go light and work on form, the goal is perfection, not volume. (courtesy of CrossFit Santa Cruz Central)

Post what approach you took and how you did, to comments.

A family affair. BChrist x 3

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12 Responses to "Thursday 090409"

  1. Mel C Says:
  2. More like Brian's personal cheerleaders. On Tuesday they were yelling "Go Dad!"...I got kinda jealous...I want cheerleaders! And I'm really excited to do this workout!
  3. Greg Says:
  4. Way to work 6am.

    I warmed up to #88 and then did 5 reps during the minute for 2 rounds with that, then dropped the weight to keep 5 reps for the rest of the rounds, but only got 4 reps a couple of times.

    Thanks John and Amanda for your coaching.
  5. Gina Says:
  6. I started with 68 lbs, dropped to 63 after the 4th round, kept a constant of 5 reps each round. Great job everyone!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 53#, 5 reps each round. Focused on form and technique.
  9. Chad Says:
  10. Started with 110# and dropped to 88#. I really don't know if I ever got the technique down right.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. My technique blew. Used greens and 5's. Be back in town in a week. Dan M.
  13. Paula Says:
  14. 63# and approximately 5 reps per round. Needed to work on form. Still needs work. Awesome job 4:30 class!!!!!
  15. Courtney Says:
  16. Stuck w/ 53# for my shoulders sake. Did 5 1/2 the first round and 6 the last round, stuck w/ 5 each for the other 8 rounds.
  17. BC Says:
  18. I did full squat cleans and gradually went heavier. Started with 6 reps @ 88# in the first round and worked my way up to 3 reps @ 128# for the last 3. I enjoyed this WOD a lot, nice job 5:30 crew.

    Thanks for picture Rick, my girls love coming to the gym with me.
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. I did 1 rep with just the bar, 6 reps with 20 pounds on the bar, and 2 reps with 30 pounds on the bar. Back is sore today a bit.

  21. Unknown Says:
  22. i have a nice bruise on my collar bone and shoulder. Great WOD
  23. Unknown Says:
  24. Me too Nick. Glad I'm not the only one.

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