Tuesday 090407

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
21 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull-ups (garage pull-up bars will be used for this workout)

This is your first opportunity to get your name on the benchmark board. The six fastest guys and the six fastest ladies, prescribed, get a coveted spot. The standards for range of motion are as follows: 

In order for the run to count, you must leave from the middle garage door, touch the wall to enterprise, and return to the middle garage door.

For kettle bell swings, the bell must swing between the legs and some part of the ears must show in front of fully extended arms (this includes both elbow and shoulder)

For pull-ups, the chin must fully clear the bar at the top and the arms, both elbow and shoulder, should be fully extended at the bottom.

Post time to comments.

Katy Eledge

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19 Responses to "Tuesday 090407"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Nice work as always, 6am!

    Did "helen" in 6:52 (with shuttles instead of 400s). Very happy with that.
  3. Greg Says:
  4. Great work 6am. 8:37 (I think) with shuttles. Thanks Amanda for writing the times on the wall. Now if I could just remember them.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 8:27 Blue band for push-ups and shuttle run
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 15:13 as prescribed
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. How are these people getting under 10 minutes?!?! I'm going to die with this hacking whooping cough I've got going on. Sexy.
  11. Gina Says:
  12. 10:49, subbed shuttles for 400m. and used a blue band for the pull-ups. I was able to do all 21 KB swings (1 pood) in one set, but it definitely made gripping the pull-up bar harder. Ouch. Nice work everyone!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Mel ... I was actually wondering the same thing. I dont know what they mean by the shuttle run but im sure that might have something to do with it. I ran my first 400M in just over 2 minutes I was done with my first set in a little over 5 Minutes.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Y'all at noon did great!
    Glad I didn't have to do that one.
  17. VD Says:
  18. 19 and some change. Just under the cutoff. I used a green and purple band for pu. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE to run. No? oh yeah... because I don't. Great job nooners!
  19. Cari Says:
  20. 16:40 ... green band for pullups. Great job to everyone at 4:30!!
  21. B3nj4m1n Says:
  22. 9:41 as rx'd. Great day for a bit of running. Nice job 5:30 saw a lot of people really pushing.
  23. Melissa B Says:
  24. 10:28 Rx'd...holy crap and congrats to the people at the top of this blog with the amazing times...great job 5:30!
  25. Chad Says:
  26. 22:18 with a green band
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. Damn mel b you are an animal girl! I finished in 15:22 rx'd.
  29. Chad Says:
  30. And thanks for letting me finish that Ricky. I know I was past the cutoff.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 15:54 rxd. Dan M.
  33. Unknown Says:
  34. 17:41 This one was really hard for me because I can't run with my ankle so I had to row. (I'd rather have run!) Used training kettlebell and bands with pullups. I'm sore.

  35. Nicole G Says:
  36. 13 and some change either 37 or 47?. Used the purple band for pull ups, 1 pood and ran outside. 5:30 girls kept me motivated. Great job!
  37. Jen F Says:
  38. 13 min 8 sec. I used 1 pood kettle bell and purple band for the pull-ups. I really have to get over my purple band crutch during pull-ups!! How long have i been using the purple??!!! Totally mental:(

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