Monday 090406

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for time of:
5 Dead-lifts, 225#/155#
10 Burpees

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16 Responses to "Monday 090406"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Nice work by the 6am crowd. I wish I had done the DL/burpee workout with you all!

    I left my filthy green shirt on the shelves by the door. sorry, everyone! if anyone has bbq tongs, feel free to move it to a safe zone until i can pick it up tomorrow. i wouldn't recommend using bare hands, though.
  3. andrew Says:
  4. 7:27 Rx'd.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 5:12 Rx'd. Felt awesome.
  7. Gina Says:
  8. 8:? rx'ed.
  9. Jenni Says:
  10. Becky and I went to the gym on base for this one early today. We did the workout and when we went to go look at the stopwatch, we realized it never started! I have no idea how long it took, but it kicked my ass. A week of no crossfit and delicious Caribbean food didn't do me any good today in the gym, but the cruise was amazing!
  11. VD Says:
  12. 7:34, first 3 rounds with 121, then in a surprise switch up, last two rounds 133#. DL felt pretty good. Didn't think I could make it all the way with 155# without my form going to crap. Anyways... i came in today, so I've got that going for me. So that's nice. Good job nooners. Welcome to everyone I met today!!
  13. Jen S. Says:
  14. 5:01 Rx'd, not too shabby.
  15. Melissa B Says:
  16. 4:28 with 175#on DL b/c Ricky's little devil horns were out today
  17. Cari Says:
  18. 6:37 Rx'd
  19. Paula Says:
  20. 4:49 with 143#... Could've/should've gone Rx'd. I actually enjoyed this workout. Those damn burpees still suck!!!!
  21. Courtney Says:
  22. I tweaked by back during the warm up (I thought it was better), so I only made it through 3 rounds at #121. I stopped after that as it was killing me every time I bent over to DL or start a burpie. I'm not very happy about having to quit during a workout, and it will never happen again, sore back or not.
  23. B3nj4m1n Says:
  24. Felt great today. DL at 275# got 4:24. Dropped 1:56 from my time from about three months ago. It feels great to see so much improvement that is why everyone should be writing down their times so they can track their accomplishments. Just stopped coughing...wait...not done yet. Great job 5:30!
  25. Kelli Says:
  26. 5:05 with173# deadlift--bc as melissa said-ricky's horns were out. I am really glad I went heavier though!
  27. Adam Says:
  28. I did this workout in better time than I thought. 13:47 I am new to doing the Omaha Crossfit workouts. I live in Lincoln and do the workouts at the Y.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 5:48 1st 2 rds, rx'd
    2 rds at 141
    1 rd at 131
  31. Crystal Says:
  32. 6:23 rx'd

    I had a lot of fun with this one. i love deadlifts & hate burpees, but the burpees are getting easier & easier for me. Not to sore today.

    After we were done i realized this was one of the WOD's that they did at the games last year. I asked Ricky & he said yes, but it was heavier. I'm ready to tackle Helen today!

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