Friday 090410

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time of:
Double Unders

Another chance to get on the board.

Post time to comments. 

Laura Folchert

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10 Responses to "Friday 090410"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. That picture belongs in a caption contest, lol.

  3. Greg Says:
  4. Great Job 6am 11:13 Did the first set of 50 situps in a row. Pretty happy with that. DUs - well they are getting better - but oh so slowly.
  5. Gina Says:
  6. 13:10, I subbed single unders and tuck jumps for double unders.
  7. BC Says:
  8. 8:07 Rx'd. Needed to be under 8:00 to get on the board...DAMMIT!!! The round of 40 got me all sorts of flustered, for some reason I tripped up on the DU's 3 times. If not for that and 1 or 2 pauses too many during the situps I probably would've made it. So frustrating. Nice job nooners.
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. 5:41 Rx' goal was to keep the DUs all i a row-I tripped on the rope 2x on the 30 round and sit ups started getting the best of me but didn't have to stop on those...great job 4:30ers
  11. andrew Says:
  12. 14:16 Rx'd. Apparently I still suck at double-unders.
  13. Crystal Says:
  14. 7:00 rx'd

    I got the first 50 DU's all in a row! WhooHoo!! Now i only gotta get 150 more to make the board for 200 consecutive DU's!! Way to go Mark, Cari, & Kelly.

    Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend.
  15. Cari Says:
  16. That's awesome Crystal! 14 something w/ singles and tuck jumps.
  17. JenT Says:
  18. 11:37 Subbed singles and tuck jumps for DU's. Ricky threatened us with burpees for the next time DU's came up and we couldn't do them. Needless to say I'm buying a jump rope for home. DU's will be mine. Oh yes, they will be mine.
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. 15:56--rx'd :) double unders are the devil! But I got 9 in a row the last round-which is the best I did! Maybe I finally got the hang of it.

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