Saturday 090411

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Team WOD
In teams of 3, complete the following for time:
100 Wall Balls, 20/14 pound ball
1200 meter run with ball (enterprise x 3)
100 Thrusters, 20/14 pound ball
1200 meter run with ball (enterprise x 3)

Post time to comments.

Brandon doing his part to capture all the pain on film.

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5 Responses to "Saturday 090411"

  1. Cari Says:
  2. 22:13 w/ Mel B and Gina ... great job! Happy Easter!
  3. Becky Says:
  4. Jess, Scott and I did this in 19:07. Awesome 10:00 class with a great Farmhouse breakfast afterwards.
  5. Kelli Says:
  6. Ben, Bryce and I did this in 19:38-awesome job teammates!
  7. Unknown Says:
  8. With Deb and Jen. Thanks girls for not giving me crap about having to row! Rowing is hard. :oP Great working with you. I forgot our time, 19:41 I think?

  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. Happy easter crossfit omaha
    I cant wait to get back and see everyone after two weeks outta town.
    Donohoe out....

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