Friday 090403

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Strict Pull-ups

You as an athlete will choose your rep scheme. This is a strength day with full rest between sets. You are encouraged to use as little assistance as possible. Choose a smaller rep scheme instead of using heavier bands.

The reps schemes you have available to choose from are as follows:

Remember, these are meant to be hard. You should not be able to breeze through this workout or you used too much help or did not choose the correct rep scheme for your ability. You should also try and avoid any and all kipping to get yourself over the bar.

Post what rep scheme you used and how you felt to comments.

Greg watching Brian do his share of pushups.

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10 Responses to "Friday 090403"

  1. Gina Says:
  2. We did the games group workout this morning: as many rounds in 15 min: 10 turkish get-ups, 30 sit ups.
    I finished 2 rounds + 8 get-ups, using 25lb db's. It was good to work out as a big group-great job everyone!
  3. Greg Says:
  4. Great Job 6am. Fun to work out as a whole group. I was actually looking forward to the strict pull-ups, but TGU need work too. 3 rds and 15 sit-ups
  5. Jen S. Says:
  6. 4 rounds + 5 TGUs, but I used the training KB. I think it weighs around 24lbs. Then I did the 2 rep scheme for the pull ups. Not too bad. I threw in a couple chest to bars for good measure, OR as Ricky does them LNTB (left nipple to bar).
  7. Chad Says:
  8. 3 rounds + 1 TGU rx'd.
  9. Mel C Says:
  10. I'll be back tomorrow!!!! Can't wait!
  11. paul Says:
  12. Nice work by the noon crowd. we all did the CFO wod. Got 4 rds with a 1 pood kb. then 10 sets of 2 strict pullups. then 4 rds of 100m run and 15 squats wearing the 40lb vest. man, that thing is heavy!
  13. Jill Says:
  14. 3 rounds, 10 situps, 4 rep scheme pullups
  15. B3nj4m1n Says:
  16. 3, 10 turkish getups, 1.5 pood. Pullups 10,11,10,12
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. FarmHouse tomorrow for Cinnamon Roll Saturday!
  19. Mel C Says:
  20. I'll be there for Farmhouse! What time you guys going? I'm going to the 10 am class!

Thanks For Visiting!