Wednesday 090401

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

"Ms Susan"
100 Ball Slams for time (20#/16#)

Missed catches do not count as a rep.

Post time to comments.

Gdawg on the rower.

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16 Responses to "Wednesday 090401"

  1. Courtney Says:
  2. 6:11rx'd. That was PAINFUL!!! I think Kylie was right, I should have used 12#. Anyway, I'm off to ice my shoulder.
  3. Ken Says:
  4. why was this so hard!
    however, this is the first time i can ever say Rx'd, 4:23?
  5. Greg Says:
  6. Great Job 6am 4:14 as Rx'd
  7. andrew Says:
  8. 3:35 Rx'd.
  9. Jill Says:
  10. 3:38 Rx'd, my goal was sub 5:00 since i think thats where I was at last time we did this, a while ago, so I was pretty happy. plus I was in a rush, so that helped with motivation! Have a good day everyone!
  11. Gina Says:
  12. 4:59- ugh- I took a lot less breaks the last 2 min trying to get under 5 min. 1 second to spare....
  13. paul Says:
  14. Tough one. 3:02.
  15. Mel C Says:
  16. FML! I HATE BALL SLAMS WITH A PASSION! Better than wall balls I guess...why do you do this to me?!?!
  17. Chad Says:
  18. 5:03 rx'd
  19. Melissa B Says:
  20. 3:10 Rx' glad I wasn't doing the other workout! Great job everyone @ 4:30
  21. Paula Says:
  22. 4:39 Rx'd- Only at CF can you get a workout from hell in less than 5 min.
  23. Cari Says:
  24. 4:20 Rx'd and didn't take any breaks ... I told myself before the workout that I wasn't allowed to stop no matter what and it actually worked so apparently I need to give myself more self pep talks before workouts :). Great job to everyone at 5:30 especially the games group ... that looked awful!
  25. Becky Says:
  26. I started today working on pullups and double unders and moved on to this fabulous workout. Paula was so right though, less than 5 minutes and I'm beat. But I did Rx'd in 4:19. I took more breaks than I'd like but I feel like I'm getting a bit better. Great job 4:30!
  27. Crystal Says:
  28. 3:50. Way to go 6:30. I remember the last time we did these only it was for 150. Glad it was only a 100 this time.
    Also did some work on pullups. So close to getting my chest there. Only a couple more inches. Just a few weeks ago I could barely do 1 kipping pullup with a purple band & now im getting back tp normal I feel like I'm bouncing back faster then I thought I would.
  29. Joe C Says:
  30. did fight gone bad started on box jumps
    total= 45
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 3:50 Rx'd

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