Tuesday 090331

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day

Vanessa and Andrew working the wall balls. 

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10 Responses to "Tuesday 090331"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Nice work, 6am group! I love "rest days." (Almost as much as I love REAL rest days.)
  3. Greg Says:
  4. Good Job Gina - Jumping on the box from the GROUND!!! Finally

    Great WOD, lots of reps to work on technique. Thanks Ricky for the coaching.
  5. Gina Says:
  6. I really liked today, working on weaknesses without the pressure of the running clock. I finally did jump of the ground instead of plates :> and managed to trip through a few double unders.
  7. VD Says:
  8. Way to go GINA!!! Awsome!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Congrats, Gina!
  11. B3nj4m1n Says:
  12. Did 60m shuttle run, 7 hang power snatches, 30 seconds rest, 3 times, rest 2 minutes repeat. 7:33, a bit winded at the end. Nice job 5:30 Rest Dayers (it's a word).
  13. Kelli Says:
  14. Congrats Gina! I did that same workout as Ben -- finished in 8:27. Happy my foot held up during those runs!
  15. Cari Says:
  16. Did the same workout as Ben ... don't know what the time was. Congrats Gina!
  17. Joe C Says:
  18. same wod as above
    got 7:45
    wow this was hard.. my legs pretty much stopped working haha
    great job everyone its real fun working out with that many pple.
  19. Chad Says:
  20. I don't remember my time. I pulled my hamstring in the 2nd round and limped through the rest of the workout. It still f'n hurts. See you guys tomorrow.

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