Wednesday 090325

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Crystal and Katie.

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24 Responses to "Wednesday 090325"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 132x3, 142x2
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 107x3, last time I did the push press, I got to 92, so I was pretty happy with the weight today.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Great Job 6am. 110x3 115x2 Welcome Johnny to 6am.
  7. JonD Says:
  8. I just want to say big ups to GINA because she gave the blues a chance and you have it girl, keep workin! Nice job everyone and good luck the rest of the day
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. hey everyone -- check out Libby on the crossfit games website :) -- way to represent girl!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 165-175(2) tn
  13. kahrs Says:
  14. Also everyone should listen to Crossfit Radio tonight, rumor is Ricky will be interviewed tonight.
  15. Crystal Says:
  16. Article on Libby is good. It's so cool to see Crossfit Omaha represent.

    And yes, check out Crossfit Radio @ 8:00 tonight for Ricky's interview.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. So Ricky is going to be on the show today! Cool – we have a celebrity.
  19. Mel C Says:
  20. I might take a rest day. I'm dying and my legs are sore as sh*t from front squats.
  21. Chad Says:
  22. 164x3

    Cool article Libby
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 132x3 Front Squats
  25. Melissa B Says:
  26. Happy Birthday Kelli...121x3
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. 118x2 :) got 108 for 3 reps...i think we did like 9 sets or somethin!!! And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!
  29. Cari Says:
  30. 82x3 and 87x2
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 89x1 this was more then I thought I could get, but my shoulder is really making me pay for it now.
  33. Joe C Says:
  34. Ricky is on crossfit radio!!!!!!
    F-ing login to the Journal and listin

    finished at 175lbs 3 times
    failed with reds and greens ill get it next time
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Did Cleans instead of Push Press
    Finished with 188.

    Ben V
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Awesome interview Ricky!!!! I'm proud to be apart of CFO!!!
  39. B3nj4m1n Says:
  40. 3 rep max PP was 154 got 174 for 2. Nice interview on crossfit radio Ricky! Joe C. called me and interrupted my LOST time. Great job 5:30 especially Dan.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. My max and last 3 reps was 77. I did one rep and struggled with it, so I had to regroup and do the last two. I need to work on my technique a bit more and focus on staying "tight" with everything.

    Great job 4:30 crew!!
  43. O'Kief Says:
  44. Terrific interview Rick. We are lucky to have you and Joe as coaches. You guys have built something great.
  45. Crystal Says:
  46. 77x3. Not bad but its a start. Not only has it been awhile, but upper body strength for me is not good. I did attempt 82 two times but failed at each attempt. Bummer! Great Job 6:30!
  47. BC Says:
  48. Did this WOD at 5:30. After doing the games shoulder press WOD yesterday I decided I needed some more work on shoulder strength. I could definitely feel how fatigued my shoulders were right from the beginning. Got 135# on rounds 5 and 6 but could only do 140# once in round 7 (attempted it twice, but 1 rep was all I had in me each time). I know under normal circumstances I could get it but 2 days of heavy shoulders was just too much. Nice work everyone.

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