Wednesday 090318

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


4 rounds for time of:
21 Double Unders
15 Pull-ups
9 Dead-lifts, 225/155 pounds

Post time to comments.

Courtney Bright

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10 Responses to "Wednesday 090318"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 11:35 rx'ed. pullups were NOT ctb, but i was happy to be doing them at all. and by 'happy' i mean 'in serious pain'. this kicked my ass. the DLs felt like a ton today for some reason.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. DNF- finished 3 full rounds, but I did use rx-ed weight on the DL's. Had to sub 100 singles for double unders.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Good job 6am

    DNF, I had last set of DL left when time was called. Rested a couple of minutes then finished them. Shoulders doing good on pullups, but not back where they were, good sign though.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 11:38, but I scaled the DL to 141lbs. I think I finally got those blasted double unders. Nice job newly established 4:30ers!
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. 13:18 -- Rx'd the weight but after the first round subbed tuck jumps for double unders because missing them was slowing me down.
  11. Joe C Says:
  12. 12:18RX'd
    Man another not so good workout for me. The double unders kicked my arse.
    I used the garage door thick pull up bar. That thing sucks haha. Ive used it before and didnt think anything of it. Deadlifts+thick bar pullups= smoked forearms.
    Good job everyone!!!
  13. JenT Says:
  14. 15:something...I think. I was in a bit of a daze...must find floor...must lay down...this one sucked. Subbed tuck jumps and singles for double unders, tan band on pullups, 119 lb DL. Very hurty. But I will say this: I was in the worst mood when I got there today, but I felt like a rock star when I walked out the door. Thanks CrossFit.

    Jen T
  15. Crystal Says:
  16. 13:37 Yay!! I actually finished one today. Scaled DLs to 141 & used a purple band for first round & then moved to tan. Very happy with myself today.

    Awesome job 6:30!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 14:07 First 2 rds did DU's. then subbed tuck/singles. 121# on DL. Strict PU's with blue and purple band.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 15:08 153# DL, and scaled pullups to one purple band on round 1, and two purple bands rounds 2,3,4

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