Monday 090330

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 rounds for time of:
Tabata Burpees, 4 rounds
Tabata Situps, 4 rounds
Tabata Wall Ball, 4 rounds
Rest 1 minute

Post total reps from each round to comments.

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17 Responses to "Monday 090330"

  1. andrew Says:
  2. Back Squats:


  3. Gina Says:
  4. Good morning! I got 70, 72, and 82 reps in the three rounds, for a total of 224.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Just listened to the CF radio interview of Ricky. Inspiring. We are so lucky to have the incredible trainers that we do!
  7. Melissa B Says:
  8. 102-107-112 which totals 321...great job nooners!
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. "Pretty Ricky" is also on the Games website...nice! :)
  11. Jill Says:
  12. 118-88(yikes!)-106= 312
    this was tough one, nice job today everyone!
  13. Chad Says:
  14. 63-57-49 = 169
  15. Cari Says:
  16. 83+71+67=221 ... wall balls were horrible; really need to work on them.
  17. Jen S. Says:
  18. 127-102-87(lost count)= 316 This was tough. Bad idea Ricky, bad idea!
  19. Jen F Says:
  20. 84(think I added this one wrong cause i did about 7 every time...oops)-112-90= 286. I am never seem to approach the Tabata workouts appropriately. I go all out to fast and pay for it later on. Got to work on that:)
    Oh well, this was a great workout...killer, but great. Great job 5:30 crew!!
  21. rbmomof3 Says:
  22. I found it really difficult to keep count. But my total was 228. I was SO proud of myself. I thought for sure I'd be under 200.


    P.S. Now I know why people hate burpees.
  23. B3nj4m1n Says:
  24. 334 felt horrible during and after. This one f*&cked me up. No more milk before a workout. "Does a body good," hardly! Nice job 5:30, love seeing the big classes, and thank you to whoever put my stuff away you didn't need to but thank you.
  25. B3nj4m1n Says:
  26. Greg, Joe and I were there for this one so it counts. Super job with a gold star.
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. 95, 86, 80 = 261. Got totally fried at the end - but hey, hell of a workout!
  29. paul Says:
  30. No way, Ben--milk rules!
  31. Joe C Says:
  32. got 370
    this WOD was so hard. Pretty much kicked my a$$ one though! Great job 5:30!!!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 266

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