Thursday 090305

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Travis VanderSchaaf has begun his journey towards becoming The Omaha CrossFitter

Stink and Drink #2, begins after the 6:30 class tonight. We hope you can make it.This is a great opportunity for all the new people to meet the rest of the CrossFit Omaha crew. Stick around for drinks and food. It should be a blast.

If you plan on coming, please post to the comments that you are. This will help Julio's (130th and Center) know how many people to have on staff. Thanks and hope to see you there.

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20 Responses to "Thursday 090305"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I should be at the Stink and Drink. I will have to come from work, so I may be a little late.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Mary and I are car shopping so I will TRY VERY HARD to make it. I will be pissed if I miss another one.
    Jim Gill
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Bonnie and I will be there.
  7. JenT Says:
  8. I plan on being at Stink and Drink, as long as I don't feel too guilty for leaving Canyon at home. As sad as it sounds, I haven't been out in the six months since he was born because of that reason. I am so lame, I know.

    Jen Thomas
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. stupid night classes, I actually wanted to do todays workout, weird? Count me in for Stink and Drink, although I might be late, I have family in town.
  11. Chad Says:
  12. I think I have Wendy talked into going so thats two of us that'll be going.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Great job 6AM. The games workout looked very taxing. I got to 120 x 5 on the Power Clean PR. I tried 130 but failed. See ya tonight.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 120x5, 130x3
  17. Melissa Urban Says:
  18. This comment has been removed by the author.
  19. Melissa Urban Says:
  20. Congratulations to Kelli, who nailed her first dead-hang pull-up last week! Nice work, hot stuff.

    Melissa Byers,
    Big fan of CrossFit Omaha!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. i'm loving crossfit. i'll do my best to be there tonight.
  23. Kelli Says:
  24. Melissa -- you are too awesome. Ps. everyone should check out her blog when you get a chance!
  25. Chad Says:
  26. Congrats Kelli.

    I've been reading Melissa's blog for a few months now. Its pretty entertaining.
  27. Mel C Says:
  28. So uncount Libby...she works, I'll be there and I'm RSVP-ing for Cari! I may have a friend with me...but I'm not sure yet...

    Travis can lift some serious weight for being a newcomer!

    IDK how much more my arms can take this week...
  29. Melissa B Says:
  30. Kat and I ended on 119x5
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I'm ready for my first stink & drink (although no stink for me since I came in at 3 today)

    My first WOD in a long time. It's good to be back but have a lot to work on to get back to where I was.

    4 rounds
    7 jumping pullups
    9 push ups
    11 air squats
    Run to curb & back

    Finished 11:20. Was pretty happy. Push ups sucked & now I can barely hold the baby.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 77-97-109-119-129
    I attempted 140 but couldnt quite get it danget!

    also did yesterdays WOD, which was a lot of FUN! had 25 bbj at the 20 min mark and finished in 23:21, thanks to everyone for the encouragment!

    see ya'll soon!
  35. Chad Says:
  36. 120x5 I'll do more when I get the form down.
  37. Kelli Says:
  38. ended up at the lighter bar + yellows, though only was able to get 3. My form felt decent on the lighter weight, and tended to break down when it got heavy, so i dropped it back down for the final set.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 53, 68, 77, 77, 87 (1x), 82

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