Monday 090302

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
5 DB Dead-lifts
5 DB Hang Cleans
5 DB Thrusters

Prescribed weight is 45% of body-weight.

Post if all 15 rounds were completed or how many to comments.

Dan Duarte. Finger lickin' good.

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10 Responses to "Monday 090302"

  1. paul Says:
  2. CFO wod today looked pretty brutal. way to plow through, 6am. i did the strength day with the games people. got up to 264x2 front squat and 198x2 snatch grip DL.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. As usual, much harder than it looks. I warmed up to 45%, but dropped to #30s for WOD. I got to 5 rounds in a row, then a total of 12 during the 20 minute time limt.

    Great job 6AM.
  5. Kelli Says:
  6. HA! you made the blog Dan ;) in all your cinnamon roll glory...
  7. Donohoe Says:
  8. DAM I missed the cinnamon rolls, aahhh.
    Well I earned a few this morning,
    14-15 rounds this morning.
    1-3 50 pd dbells
    3-14 40 pds dbells
    Great job early animals. Rob, John, Donnie, all awesome job.
    Yes this one sucked, still pretty weak from it actually.
    I hope everyone has a great day.
  9. Donohoe Says:
  10. DAM I missed the cinnamon rolls, aahhh.
    Well I earned a few this morning,
    14-15 rounds this morning.
    1-3 50 pd dbells
    3-14 40 pds dbells
    Great job early animals. Rob, John, Donnie, all awesome job.
    Yes this one sucked, still pretty weak from it actually.
    I hope everyone has a great day.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 30#, 6 rounds in a row and got all 15 rounds done in 20 mins. this sucked just a little...
  13. Joe C Says:
  14. I missed one round. I got 10 rounds is a row. Man this one was hard. Thrusters suck after cleans good job everyone sorry 5:30 for cussin so much today oops =)
  15. Mel C Says:
  16. Who came up with this workout? I finished it in 17 minutes with Becky in Open Gym. Holy crap.
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. ouch..can't move my arms. I only got 4 rounds in a row 30#...finished a total of 8 or 9 in the 15 minute time limit...
  19. Becky Says:
  20. Well, I know Mel C and I kicked butt! I took 2 one minute breaks, so I finished in just under 18 minutes using #20. Did awesome!

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