Wednesday 090225

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time:
800 meter run
50 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball
400 meter run
35 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball
200 meter run
20 Wall Balls, 20 pound ball

Post time to comments.

Fully completing the range-of-motion for every rep of every exercise is not only required but also the quickest way to improving fitness and reaping it's benefits.

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12 Responses to "Wednesday 090225"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I feel like a huge sack of Sh#% lately as it's been almost a week since I have gotten into CFO. I have also eaten like crap and feel like a bum. Haha. Going to try and make it in Thursday and Friday, and then all next week should be good to go. Good luck Nooners. Dan M.
  3. Jenni Says:
  4. I knew I wouldn't have time to make it to a class tonight so I did the good thing and went to the gym this morning. I did the main site WOD (push jerks) with a co-worker. Max load was 65 lbs. Attempted 75 on my third lift but failed. I ended up doing more than 7 rounds (because I lose count a lot), but it felt great this morning. Have a good workout and see you all tomorrow!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. You guys looked great this morning!! Paul you smoked that workout!
  7. paul Says:
  8. aw, thanks Ang. looked like you pretty much owned the games WOD as well!

    I finished rx'ed in 10:54. i went in thinking it would be a struggle to get under 20. it feels amazing to do a WOD rx'ed.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Also, my hat is off to the rest of the 6am crew. everyone was working hard and i saw a lot of people pushing themselves.
  11. VD Says:
  12. Now I don't know if I want warm weather to come. That's a lot of running. My lungs are going to hate me. May have to come at 5:30, not that you care... but I'll tell you anyways.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. great job nooners! that wod looked burtal! way to keep pushin through.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 15:19 First round with 14# ball and part of 2nd round. Then dropped to 12#
  17. VD Says:
  18. 20:38 rx'd. WHAT?! yep, rx'd!
  19. B3nj4m1n Says:
  20. Finished in 11:27, quit tough but it was worth it to enjoy the midweek malt mmmmm. Nice job 5:30. Time to get my LOST on.
  21. Joe C Says:
  22. 12:06 RX'd CFO WOD. That was so fun. I tryed to POSE run the whole time and it felt like it helped out a lot. I dont think i was really doin it very good. But the little bit i did helped TONS. Great job eveyone 5:30 is friggin awsome. today was inspiring. =)
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 16:52 Rx'd

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