Tuesday 090224

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

If you are not able to do weighted pull-ups then focus on performing strict pull-ups, whether with or without a band. The idea is to improve pulling strength so use the least amount of assistance if a band is utilized. 

Post weights used to comments.

From left to right: Nicole, Courtney, Karen, Gina, and Melissa. Nice job ladies

This Saturday, we want both groups training at the same time so we will not be having an 8 A.M. or 12 noon class, only 9 A.M. and 10 A.M. We recently sent out an email concerning this but Joe and I wanted to post it here as well. If you are able, please send an email to stating whether you can make it or not and which class you'll be coming to.

We will be professionally filming both classes for a project we are working on. The more of you that we can get to attend the better. 

On top of this, Joe, Kylie, Jon, and I would like for everyone to stick around afterwards for a social gathering. We would like everyone to bring a dish to share with everyone else. This will be a great opportunity for everyone from the different class times to meet each other.

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13 Responses to "Tuesday 090224"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. So I saw the new article posted by Glassman defining three dimensional definition which factors in "age" into the component of measurement. Does this mean that CrossFit would have to rethink their games format for future? Include age brackets? I think its a great idea, but wondered what the ramifications of his article will be.......
  3. Cari Says:
  4. Did negative kipping pullups w/ a green band, 2 reps at a time. Then did 2 mins of burpees, 28.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I did strict pullups since weight is still no good for my shoulder. 3 sets of 7.

    Then 21-15-9

    box jumps (24")
    GH situps

    didn't time it--but probably around 5 minutes.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Did weighted Pull-ups and got up to 3o#, failed on 35# twice.

    Then Perry and DJ and I took a shot at the 500m row in 1:30

    I hit 1:29.3
    DJ hit it as well
    better luck next time Perry

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Did weighted Pull-ups and got up to 3o#, failed on 35# twice.

    Then Perry and DJ and I took a shot at the 500m row in 1:30

    I hit 1:29.3
    DJ hit it as well
    better luck next time Perry

  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I actually got to add weight this time! Yeah! This was my first time doing them without a band and I added 10lbs.
  13. VD Says:
  14. I did Strict pull ups with bands. Had to use green, tan and purple. Geeze. I was able to get 3-4 with those. When I took away the purple I could barely get half way up. oh well, better luck next time. Then I did a 500 row and got it done in 1:59 (best time for me). I thought it was a little easier and harder at the same time, turns out the little thingy-ma-jig was on 8.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 12x2 stict pullups with tan ban then did 5 rounds of 20 situps and 10 pushups
  17. BC Says:
  18. Reba,

    Where did you find that article at? Sounds interesting.
  19. B3nj4m1n Says:
  20. Hit 115, pr by 15 pounds. Happy to be over a hundred. Nice job 0530. For Saturday, does liquor/beer count as a dish?
  21. Sprockets Says:
  22. Spent some time with the tan and blue bands for strict PUs. Looking forward to no bands. Then had some fun with 10 rounds of 30 sec plank: 15 sit ups.
  23. Joe C Says:
  24. got 85lbs new PR yay haha see yall tomorrow.
  25. Kelli Says:
  26. forgot to post yesterday -- finally got a strict pullup!! yay! Did 7 sets of 1. Then finished off with max kipping pull-ups (10) and a try at the handstand walking.

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