Wednesday 090218

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for as many reps as possible of:
1 minute Med Ball Cleans (20#/14#)
1 minute Ball Slams (20#/14#)
1 minute rest

Post total reps for ball slams and ball cleans to comments.

Benjamin Mason.

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14 Responses to "Wednesday 090218"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 76/132 for 208 reps total. Great job this morning everyone!
  3. paul Says:
  4. CFO WOD looked brutal. I did the 5x500m rows, which was also bad. nice work, 6am! monster class today.
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Good morning,
    Alot of peps here this morning it was good, I got roughly 164 reps it was a lot of work and everyone was pushing hard..
    Donohoe out
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. What are peps?
  9. Chad Says:
  10. 61/89 for a total of 150 reps. That little yellow ball slowly tied my back into a nasty knot.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 180 total, tried to get at least 15 cleans and 20 slams each round. Great job everyone this morning!
  13. VD Says:
  14. total of 163. I felt like I had good movement on the cleans... even in the later rounds. Good job nooners!!!
  15. Joe C Says:
  16. finished with 225. This made my legs feel like they were gonna explode! Good job everyone. If anyone want the pics i take i put them up on the crossfit omaha facebook site. so everyone can look and steal em from there.
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. 79/106... my legs still feel like jello from the noon class...
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 211 total, good job 6:30
  21. VD Says:
  22. 2nd WOD, 2 bottles of Margarita, 1 bottle of champagne, grinding addi's rowing machine... and a 500meter row, 2:13!! Next time, you ALL better show up at the Time Clock!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 73/111 for a total of 184 14#/16#
  25. BC Says:
  26. My total reps were 216. Nice job 6:30 class. And we have a new Ricky-ism to add to the list - "Good luck getting up off the toilet tomorrow, hehehehehehe."
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 73/103 for a total of 176. It was a great workout! Good job 4:30!!!!


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