Rest Day

Congratulations Chad on a job well done during Monday's WOD. You rocked it till the end. It's physical and MENTAL determination like that which inspires us all.
Joe said it best when asked what to say when someone wants to know about CrossFit. Physically, anyone can do it. Mentally, it's not for everyone. It's the difference between those that see dramatic results and those that just workout (or hardly show up).
Hope everyone had a great day and enjoy the rest day tomorrow. See yall soon.
I am checking it out :) My email is rjwattier@hotmail.com
From the last email I got the first practice is Sunday - not sure on time or place yet.
Here is a link to protect yourhands like gymnast would
I am looking for a roomate for the qualifier, as I will NOT be competing this time around this person will have to deal with me going out and gettn crazy.... possible, late nights and questionable decesions...
PS Rest day my ass, 3 rounds
50pd thrusters x 10 and box jumpsx 10.. 7 min need to hold myself to higher standards.
3 rounds
50 SDHP 65lbs
50 Burpees
this was pretty hard. and fun! i really dont think i couldve gone much faster. Which is kinda nice i guess. I thought i was gonna pass out when i finished haha. good job allison for doin this one by ur self
Man i love crossfit.
Tonight wasn't so good. I did the 15 min pullup/pushup/squat workout. I started missing the interval after two rounds. The pushups got me. I may have to give this weakness some priority.
Thanks for the tips and encouragement Jon.
50 sdhp
50 burpees
Had to run to the bathroom in the middle of this workout only to discover, too late, that the toilet paper was located on the bench and not in the stall. Come on people, this is not cool. I should add 15 to 20 feet of squat walking to the workout. But seriously, keep it in the stall!
This was crushing can't wait to try walking tomorrow.
Good luck with your pullups!!