Six rounds for time of:
Walking Lunges, 20 steps
20 Jumping Pull-ups
The height of your box for the jump pull-ups should be set so that the bar is placed clearly below the wrist when you are standing up with your arms extended overhead.
Post time to comments.

Hey, look at this rash I have developing on my arm guys.
One of our very own, Kelli Lambert, is off to Miami this weekend to compete in a national level power-lifting competition. If you know who she is and see her in the gym please wish her the best of luck. She is a wonderful person and competes hard. And her endurance is getting better. After all, she was only used to 3 to 5 reps or below. Ha. Not at CrossFit right?
Good Luck Kelli, from all of us here at CFO. We'll see you when you get back. Better get us some pictures too.
Good Luck Kelli, from all of us here at CFO. We'll see you when you get back. Better get us some pictures too.
Been a little too lazy lately, so I didn't take the rest day today. Did this WOD in 9:10. It killed my arms. Great job nooners!
Who knew that lunges would be the good part of the WOD. 12:54 and I actually felt good about my lunges. Great job 5:30-ers. I'll be back at noon tomorrow.
And Good Luck Kelli.
Well against my docs advice I came @ 6:30 tonight. He said I can't do anything for another month but I just can't wait. Did a very small wod at a slow pace It's hard to not b able to go all out. It's good to b back. Saw a lot of new faces tonight.
6 rounds: 10 air squats & 10 (no jump) pull ups on rings