Sunday 090215

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

The Professor and Tom on a typical Saturday. What's your workout look like?

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7 Responses to "Sunday 090215"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Cool pic--am I leaning too far forward? My posterior chain was so tired from cleans and front squats I was having trouble doing the swings right.

    Marty, you kicked some serious ass yourself. Excellent work on 2pd KB swings considering you'd never done them before!
  3. Mel C Says:
  4. So glad it's a rest day. My left arm is still killing me from Thursday...
  5. Kelli Says:
  6. Just wanted 2 let u all know I got 2nd! Yeah! C u all again later this week :)
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Congrats Kelli! Thats awesome!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Congratulations, Kelli! Nasty!
  11. Jenni Says:
  12. Congrats Kelli!
  13. Chad Says:
  14. Congratulations Kelli

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