Monday 090216

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Lindsey Herrera

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16 Responses to "Monday 090216"

  1. paul Says:
  2. deadlift: 402x4 (PR)

    i was SOOO close to a 5th, but i'm pretty f-ing thrilled about getting 4 at that weight.

    thanks for the advice and encouragement, Donohoe!
  3. Donohoe Says:
  4. Dear Morning monsters,
    Everyone did great on overhead squats which are a nasty way to start a monday. The professor today was a monster on dead lift. I was really impressed with his effort and huge load.( No worries that last rep is there you'll prob get it and a few more next time.
    I finished with 242x2 overhead squat( the third one was there I could taste it) a P.R. for me.
    Well my hands are shaking so Im done.
    Donohoe out....
  5. VD Says:
  6. got up to 63x5. I was hoping to go heavier, but Joe decided it's time to push the squats lower. They felt pretty good... so I suppose he may have been right this once. Nice big noon class today.
  7. Jenni Says:
  8. Got 53 x 5 but kept good form. I felt like my legs could do more but my arms refused. I enjoyed the noon class today :)
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. Great job Nooners! Ya'll kicked some @ss!
    Congrats, Kelli on an awesome finish!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 92x5 and it felt pretty good. Maybe I could have done more?? Nooners were look'n good!
  13. Cari Says:
  14. I hate these; wanted to try to get to 53# but failed on the 2nd try of 48 twice and then tried one more time and failed on the 3rd rep.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 10rds empty bar OHS x8 and single unders x75. I did the first 6rds and took a short break and decided to do another 4rds. Felt pretty good. Great work 6:30.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 99x5 the end was a lil shaky but overall felt pretty good, nice job today everyone!
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. This was my first time overhead squatting, so my form was a little off through the first few sets, but I managed to knock out 3 decent reps at 155 on my fifth set...
  21. B3nj4m1n Says:
  22. Got up to 155x5 and 175x2. Both were pr's for me, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good day for me. May be watching a little too much Curb Your Enthusiasm. Nice job 5:30. See everyone tomorrow.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 111 lbs x 5. Dan M.
  25. Joe C Says:
  26. Worked my way up to 175x5 on like my 7th set. Pretty happy with that. Ive never been comfertable with OH squats until Ricky told me to move my feet in haha. Just a little thing and it helped tons Thanks! well see ya tomorrow for DB Fran ugh!
  27. Chad Says:
  28. 132x5. My shoulders hate this lift.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 82#x5
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 120x5, 132x2

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