Saturday 090214

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Team WOD

3 rounds each
Row 300 meters
15 swings, 2/1.5 pood
15 box jumps, 20 inches

The goal of this workout is for you and a partner to finish 6 total rounds in the least amount of time possible. Partner A goes first, completing one full round before tagging partner B. Follow in this manner until the workout is completed.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 090214"

  1. VD Says:
  2. HAPPY VD!!!!


    P.S. I hate VD.
  3. Kelli Says:
  4. I had a dream I did a muscle-up last night :) must be a sign....
  5. BC Says:
  6. I hate missing Saturday team WOD's but I have a nasty head cold that is making it next to impossible to breathe. Catch you guys next week.
  7. Mel C Says:
  8. Hahaha VD. Right with ya. Going to 24 with Cari to do this. We slept in today...and didn't even do anything last night! Slackers!

    HAPPY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Kelli--I had a dream that I could do a muscle-up and got my first one a few days later...

    Fun one today. Don't remember our time, but I know Marty and I kicked ass, if I do say so myself.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. stop dreaming about crossfit, i think that can't be healthy! i've also dreamt about crossfit, then woke up angry because i was working so hard in my dream then didn't get the benefits because it wasn't real!

    good team workout this morning! great job everyone!
  13. Joe C Says:
  14. Ben and I teamed up got 15:25 Paul and Marty beat us by 5 box jumps good job guys. 1000 was awesome. Dont worry allison and jill i ate ur servings at FARMHOUSE as well as mine haha. I had a lot of carbs sooo its time for a nappy see yall on Mon =)
  15. Joe C Says:
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. This comment has been removed by the author.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 17:19 with Jill as my partner. Great work Jill!
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Did this at 24hr w/ Mel; used a 35# db; took a little less than 19 mins...thx for letting me use your guest pass and for working out w/ me Mel!
  23. Unknown Says:
  24. Paul, I think you kicked enough ass for the both of us. Great workout!
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. I did this one solo alot of work for just three rounds I was at 24hour when I did it so no idea on time.(nico last night was crzy). I hope everyone enjoys their VD.
    Donohoe is out
  27. Donohoe Says:
  28. Dear Kelli,
    Have a great preformance this weekend.

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