Sunday 090208

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time
100 Air Squats

Finish in 1 minute or less and have no penalty.
Finish in 1:01 to 1:15 and you must do 15 pushups.
1:16 to 1:30 minutes and you have a penalty of 20 vertical jumps (1 inch above reach) plus 15 pushups.
1:31 to 2 minutes and the penalty is 25, 5 count feet-held situps (5 second count to come up and 5 second count to go go down), 20 vertical jumps, and 15 pushups.
2:01 to 2:45 minutes and the penalty is 30 Walking Lunges, 25, 5 count situps, 20 vertical jumps, and 15 pushups.
Finish in 2:46 or above and death ensues. Your penalty is 35 burpee bottoms, 30 walking lunges, 25, 5-count situps, 20 vertical jumps, and 15 pushups.

I would just assume finish in less than 1 minute.

Post time to comments. We'll figure out your penalty.

1st septi-annual (ha!) stink and drink. Did Neil just realize that Reba just came from the gym? Seems as if that's the case. I don't even know what D is doing.

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6 Responses to "Sunday 090208"

  1. paul Says:
  2. this was awesome. 1:32 for the squats (PR by 2 seconds). did the pushups and jumps, but didn't time it. then 5 uphill sprints (about 150m?). the sprints were awful.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Love the picture.... What a bunch of lushes:)
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 1:40 (Includes stopping to attend to Brady)

    I also did the sit-ups, jumps and push-ups.

    Oh...and Mommy & Me yoga!
  7. Cari Says:
  8. 3:12 and then the burpees, lunges, situps, jumps and pushups ... so NOT fun but I'm happy I did it!
  9. Sprockets Says:
  10. 2:13, punishment to follow
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 1:57 plus penalties

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