Monday 090209

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time
15 Push Jerks (110#/75#)
2-feet Lateral Jumps over the bar, 30 total reps

Post time to comments.

Some of our ladies.

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16 Responses to "Monday 090209"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. That's a lot of muscle right there.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. it looks like that bar is floating
  5. hannah eileen Says:
  6. kylie l, i am pretty powerful...
  7. paul Says:
  8. another sweet pic.

    tabata pushups: 6 (every round)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. i know you are hannah. i just didn't realize you were psychokinetic. that'll come in handy at the games!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. i know you are hannah. i just didn't realize you were psychokinetic. that'll come in handy at the games!
  13. VD Says:
  14. 19 something. I tried to go Rx'd but the 77# felt pretty heavy after the first 4, so I dropped to 63. Felt good. Good job nooners.
  15. BC Says:
  16. I did the games group tabata mash-up WOD of KB swings and pullups, 111 total reps. Nice job by everyone at 5:30, lots of intensity and effort.
  17. Joe C Says:
  18. games WOD i dont know my number. i did 10 swings every time and got 6-8 pullups every round except for the last round i got 12. booty shorts monday is so on. i would like more participation next monday haha and great job with all the encouragement see yall tomorrow =)
  19. B3nj4m1n Says:
  20. Games WOD, swings 10 each round, pullups 7 six times, one at 8, one at 10. Total 140. I am going to try have split running shorts for next Monday.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. So I thought I was going to be able to make it in today, but I just wasn't feeling up to it. I can't do any heavy lifting for the next few weeks, but I would like to get in and atleast do some rowing. I may give it another week, but I will see you all soon. Keep up the hard work!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. CFO WOD, Rx'd 15:29, felt great after the work out today, and great job to the 5:30 class, both workouts. There was some serious work being done and it was great to see all the encouragement.
  25. Cari Says:
  26. 53# and 18:35 ... there were so many people at 5:30; it was great!
  27. Chad Says:
  28. I'm not sure what to post. I'm still pretty lightheaded. I don't even know if I finished in time. It sucks being slow. But thank you to everybody pushing me. You get me places I'd never get to on my own. I'd seriously quit this shit a long time ago if you guys weren't so cool.
  29. Sprockets Says:
  30. 17:11
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 12:45

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