As many rounds in four minutes of:
DB Single-Arm Hang Snatch, 2 reps each arm (50/35)
6 Burpees
135/95 lb Dead-lifts, 9 reps
Rest 1 minute
Repeat the above cycle four times.
Post completed rounds for each cycle to comments.

Steve Filips
Tomorrow is the big day guys. Try and get here as soon as you can prior to ten in the morning for parking reasons. If needed, you can use the grass across the street for additional parking space.
If you are bringing food, please feel free to load it up in the refridgerator or place it on the counter in the lounge. You may even use the counter in the main area if space becomes limited.
Joe, Kylie, Jon, and myself would like to sincerely thank everyone that is attending tomorrow's activities. We hope everyone has a great time and enjoys meeting all the new people.
Joe C. and I were 10 DL's short of 24 rounds but we completed 22 rounds. Feeling good after this workout for "some" reason. Ha. 5:30. Don't make me show you my mad dog face.